豆知识 2011-03-13&03-19 正确面对成长的烦恼(在线收听

 Everybody has a fear about growing up. It’s all a part of the growing up process, but what exactly do we fear? The thought of going to a new school? Making big decisions? Leaving friends behind? Being left behind? Wearing a tie? Or simply not knowing what will happen next? We all have these fears. Unfortunately, they don't go away when you get older. Actually, it only gets worse. The bigger you get, the fewer places there are to hide. Life will set in and power upon you. There will be more responsibility, more work to do, more pressure to succeed. Growing up, the world is a cold and scary place, filled with unknown.

But, hey, it’s not that bad. It’s also filled with amazing things and awesome adventures. The older you get the more you’ll experience. You meet new people, make new friends, doors will open leading you to new worlds and exciting opportunities. Embrace the dream not knowing what will happen next. Life is supposed to be a surprise; there is no reason to resent getting older. It will be boring if we stay the same forever. Don't worry too much about growing up. After all, how else would you reach the cookie jar?