
   价格可以说是 进出口 双方都密切关注的交易条件。在出口方发盘后,进口方往往会就价格进行还盘。这时出口方通常面临三种选择:一是完全接受对方的还价,合同即告成立;二是坚持原价,即拒绝对方的还价;三是针对对方的还价进行再还价,或是有条件地接受对方的还价。虽然这三种情形在具体语言运用上有所不同,但一般均需包含如下内容:

  l We are glad to receive your letter of March 22 but sorry to learn that your customers find our quotation too high.
  l Thank you for your fax of March l9. We regret to say that we can not accept your counter offer.
  l As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret to say we cannot make further concession.
  l We believe our price are quite realistic; it is impossible that any other suppliers can under-quote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.
  l The price we quoted is accurately calculated. We have cut the profit to the minimum in order to expand the market.
  l We feel that your counter offer is not proper because the price for such material is on the increase at present.
  价格可以说是 进出口 双方都密切关注的交易条件。在出口方发盘后,进口方往往会就价格进行还盘。这时出口方通常面临三种选择:一是完全接受对方的还价,合同即告成立;二是坚持原价,即拒绝对方的还价;三是针对对方的还价进行再还价,或是有条件地接受对方的还价。虽然这三种情形在具体语言运用上有所不同,但一般均需包含如下内容:
  l We are glad to receive your letter of March 22 but sorry to learn that your customers find our quotation too high.
  l Thank you for your fax of March l9. We regret to say that we can not accept your counter offer.
  l As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret to say we cannot make further concession.
  l We believe our price are quite realistic; it is impossible that any other suppliers can under-quote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.
  l The price we quoted is accurately calculated. We have cut the profit to the minimum in order to expand the market.
  l We feel that your counter offer is not proper because the price for such material is on the increase at present.