英语听力:听电影学英语-贱女孩 03(在线收听

  [00:01.42]Jason, why are you such a skeez? 杰森,你怎么是这样一个烂货?
  [00:03.26]I'm just being friendly. 我只是友善而为
  [00:05.90]You were supposed to call me last night. 昨晚你应该给我电话的
  [00:06.58]Jason. You do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen 杰森,三天后到我家来参加聚会 在我们面前,你就别和格雷琴在一起了
  [00:11.10]and then scam on some poor, innocent girl right in front of us three days later. 去诱骗一个拙劣的无知女孩吧
  [00:13.62]She's not interested. 她没兴趣了
  [00:17.46]Do you wanna have sex with him? 你想和他做爱吗?
  [00:19.98]- No, thank you. - Good. So it's settled. - 不,谢谢 - 很好,这样问题就解决了
  [00:20.50]So you can go shave your back now. 你可以去修你的头发了
  [00:23.34]Bye, Jason. 拜,杰森
  [00:26.98]Bitch. 婊子
  [00:29.18]Wait. Sit down. 别走啊,坐下来
  [00:30.86]Seriously, sit down. 说真的,坐下来吧
  [00:35.86]Why don't I know you? 我怎么没见过你呢?
  [00:40.06]I'm new. I just moved here from Africa. 我是新生,刚从非洲搬来这儿
  [00:41.74]- What? - I used to be home-schooled. - 什么? - 我一直受家庭式教育
  [00:43.58]Wait. What? 且慢,什么?
  [00:46.90]- My mom taught me at home... - No, no. - 我妈妈在家里教我... - 不,不是
  [00:47.10]I know what home-school is. I'm not retarded. 我知道什么是家庭式教育,我不是智障
  [00:49.42]So you've actually never been to a real school before? 就是说事实上,之前你都没有去过真正的学校?
  [00:52.42]Shut up. 不可能〔字面意思是‘闭嘴’〕
  [00:55.94]Shut up. 不可能
  [00:58.46]- I didn't say anything. - Home-schooled. - 我没有说话啊 - 家庭式教育
  [00:59.46]- That's really interesting. - Thanks. - 真有趣 - 谢谢
  [01:03.66]But you're, like, really pretty. 而你长得似乎...真得很漂亮
  [01:04.50]- Thank you. - So you agree. - 谢谢 - 你也赞同
  [01:08.14]- What? - You think you're really pretty. - 什么? - 你认为自己真得很漂亮
  [01:08.66]- I don't know... - Oh, my God, I love your bracelet. - 噢,我不得而知... - 噢,上帝,我喜欢你的手镯
  [01:14.34]- It's adorable. - It's so fetch. - 很可爱啊 - 噢,如此诱惑
  [01:19.22]- What is "fetch"? - It's, like, slang from England. - 诱惑? - 噢,这...好像是...俚语,来自英格兰
  [01:22.54]So if you're from Africa, why are you white? 如果说你来自非洲...
  [01:25.90]Oh, my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white. 噢,上帝,卡伦,你不能只是问为什么是白人
  [01:30.42]Could you give us some privacy for, like, one second? 我们能独处一会儿吗?
  [01:31.94]Yeah, sure. 好啊,当然可以
  [01:34.42]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
  [01:40.78]Okay, you should just know that we don't do this a lot, 好了,你应该知道我们很少这样
  [01:42.98]We wanna invite you to have lunch with us 我们想邀请你,这个礼拜
  [01:43.46]so this is, like, a really huge deal. 所以可能...这是个...真正惊人的举措
  [01:45.98]every day for the rest of the week. 每天都和我们共进午餐
  [01:48.98]So we'll see you tomorrow. 那我们明天再见
  [01:50.50]On Wednesdays, we wear pink. 周三我们会穿粉红色的衣服
  [01:52.70]Oh, my God! Okay, you have to do it, okay? 噢,上帝!好了,你一定得那样,好吗?
  [01:58.18]And then you have to tell me all the horrible things that Regina says. 然后你得告诉我,莉贾娜说的所有恐怖的事情
  [01:59.70]Regina seems sweet. 莉贾娜看上去蛮可爱的
  [02:02.38]Regina George is not sweet. 莉贾娜·乔治并不可爱
  [02:02.70]She's a scum-sucking road whore! She ruined my life! 她是淫荡的街妓!她毁了我的一生!
  [02:06.06]She's fabulous, but she's evil. 她很不可思议,但也很可怕
  [02:08.42]- Hey, get out of here! - Oh, my God, Danny DeVito. - 嗨,出去! - 噢,上帝,丹尼·德维托
  [02:11.06]I love your work! 我想做你的工作!
  [02:11.26]- Why do you hate her? - What do you mean? - 你为什么恨她? - 你说谁?
  [02:13.58]Regina. You seem to really hate her. 莉贾娜,你看上去对她恨之入骨
  [02:16.10]Yes. What's your question? 不错,你想问什么?
  [02:16.78]- Well, my question is, why? - Regina started this rumor - 呃...我想问,为什么呢? - 莉贾娜制造谣言...
  [02:20.78]- that Janis was... - Damian! Shall we not? - 说詹妮丝... - 戴米恩!我们没有好吗?
  [02:24.14]Now, look, this isn't about hating her, okay? 看看,这不是恨她,好吗?
  [02:25.66]I just think that it would be, like, a fun little experiment 我只是想,如果你和她们在一起
  [02:27.82]if you were to hang out with them and then tell us everything that they say. 然后告诉我们她们谈论的一切 这...或许...是个有趣的小试验
  [02:29.98]- What do we even talk about? - Hair products. - 我们能谈论什么呢? - 头发产品
  [02:33.02]- Ashton Kutcher. - Is that a band? - 艾什顿·库奇 - 是乐队吗?
  [02:34.50]Would you just do it? Please? 就这样好吗?拜托了?
  [02:38.86]Okay, fine. Do you have anything pink? 好,没问题,你们有没有什么粉红色的东西?
  [02:39.70]- Yes. - No. - 有啊 - 没有
  [02:43.06]By eighth period, I was so happy to get to math class. 第八个学时,我很开心能来到数学课堂上
  [02:45.54]I mean, I'm good at math. I understand math. 我是说,我很擅长数学,我能领悟数学的奥妙
  [02:46.74]Nothing in math class could mess me up. 数学课上,没有什么能难倒我
  [02:50.42]Hey, do you have a pencil I can borrow? 嘿,有铅笔吗借我?
  [02:54.94]I've only had one other crush in my life. 一生中,我另外只爱过一次
  [02:58.10]His name was Nfume, and we were five. 他叫恩弗米,我们都只有5岁
  [02:59.10]I like you. 我喜欢你
  [03:02.30]Go away! 走开!
  [03:04.46]It didn't work out. 没有成功
  [03:05.62]But this one hit me like a big, yellow school bus. 但这次却像一辆巨大的 黄色校车一样撞上了我
  [03:08.98]- Cady, what do you say? - He was... - 凯蒂,你说什么? - 他...
  [03:09.30]...so cute. 如此可爱
  [03:12.82]I mean, A-sub-N equals N plus one over four. 我是说,A(N)等于N加1除以4
  [03:18.34]That's right. 对了
  [03:19.18]That's good. Very good. 很好,很好
  [03:21.70]All right, let's talk about your homework. 好了,下面我们来布置作业
  [03:24.06]Hey. How was your second day? 嘿,你第二天过的怎么样?
  [03:26.74]- Fine. - Were people nice? - 很好 - 人们都还友善吧?
  [03:30.06]- No. - Did you make any friends? - 不 - 你交朋友了吗?
  [03:31.58]Yeah. 有啊
  [03:38.10]Having lunch with The Plastics was like leaving the actual world 和“魔鬼身材”共进午餐就像离开了现实世界
  [03:40.10]and entering Girl World. ...而进入了“女孩世界”一样
  [03:40.62]And Girl World had a lot of rules. 而“女孩世界”又有很多规则
  [03:43.62]You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, 你不能在连续的两天内穿同一件背心
  [03:45.98]and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. 你一个礼拜只能梳一次马尾辫
  [03:49.98]So I guess you picked today. 我想今天你已经做好了选择
  [03:52.14]And we only wear jeans or track pants on Fridays. 噢,我们只在礼拜五穿牛仔裤或者运动裤
  [03:55.50]Now, if you break any of these rules, you can't sit with us at lunch. 如果你违反任何规则,你都不能和我们共进午餐了
  [04:01.02]Okay, like, if I was wearing jeans today, 好了,譬如我今天穿牛仔裤
  [04:03.18]I would be sitting over there with the art freaks. 我就要坐在那边,和那些易容疯子呆在一起
  [04:06.70]And we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, 噢,我们叫人同我们共进午餐前,通常会投票
  [04:10.38]because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group. 因为你得考虑群里的其他人
  [04:13.42]I mean, you wouldn't buy a skirt without asking your friends first 呃...我是说...如果没有朋友们 的同意,即使穿上去很好看...
  [04:16.26]- if it looks good on you. - I wouldn't? - 你也不能买任何衣服 - 这也不能?
  [04:17.26]Right. And it's the same with guys. 是的,噢,对男孩也一样
  [04:19.94]Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong. 譬如,你或许觉得你喜欢某人 但你不能犯错误
  [04:22.78]120 calories and 48 calories from fat. What percent is that? 120卡热量就有48卡来自脂肪,多大比例?
  [04:28.30]Forty-eight into 120? 48比120?
  [04:30.62]I'm only eating foods with less than 30% calories from fat. 我只能吃脂肪热量低于30%的食物
  [04:33.34]Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, 呃,48比120等于X比100
  [04:38.34]and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X. 然后用十字相乘法得出X的值
  [04:39.50]Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries. 随便了,我去拿奶酪薯条
  [04:46.22]So have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet? 你有见到还觉得不错的男孩吗?
  [04:48.22]Well, there's this guy in my calculus class... 呃,我上微积分课的时候有个男生...
  [04:50.06]- Who is it? - It's a senior? - 谁? - 高年级的?
  [04:52.06]- His name's Aaron Samuels. - No! - 叫亚伦·塞缪尔 - 不!
  [04:56.06]Oh, no, you can't like Aaron Samuels. 噢,不,你不能喜欢上亚伦·塞缪尔
  [04:56.58]That's Regina's ex-boyfriend. 他是莉贾娜的前男友
  [05:00.78]Yeah, and then she was devastated when he broke up with her last summer. 不错,去年夏天他甩掉她时
