英语听力:听电影学英语-贱女孩 05(在线收听

  [00:01.46]Oh, God, honey, no. What kind of mother do you think I am? 噢,上帝,甜心,你把我想成哪种母亲了?
  [00:06.30]'Cause if you're gonna drink, I'd rather you do it in the house.
  [00:06.46]Why? Do you want a little bit? 你想要点?要是你想,我愿意让你在屋里喝点
  [00:09.50]- No, thank you. - Okay. - 不,谢谢 - 好吧
  [00:10.34]So, you guys, what is the 411? 姑娘们,411是什么?
  [00:16.34]What has everybody been up to? 大家都是在做什么?
  [00:19.02]What is the hot gossip? Tell me everything. 热门话题是什么?都告诉我吧
  [00:19.54]What are you guys listening to? What's the cool jams? 你们听到些什么?最酷的睡衣?
  [00:23.38]Mom. 妈妈
  [00:26.22]- Could you go fix your hair? - Okay. - 你去搞搞头发吧? - 好吧
  [00:27.58]You girls keep me young. I love you so much. 你们这些姑娘让我焕发春光,噢,我如此爱你们
  [00:34.10]Oh, my God, I remember this. 噢,上帝,我记得这个
  [00:34.78]- I haven't looked at that in forever. - Come check it out, Cady. - 我永远都不会看那个 - 来瞧瞧,凯蒂
  [00:39.30]It's our Burn Book. 这是我们的“烈火红唇之书”
  [00:42.30]See, we cut out girls' pictures from the yearbook, 瞧,我们从年刊上剪下靓女图案
  [00:43.98]- "Trang Pak is a grotsky little byotch." - Still true. - “帕春是个小烂娘们” - 依然如此
  [00:44.46]and then we wrote comments. 然后我们加以评述
  [00:48.30]- "Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin." - Still half true. - “道恩·施韦策是个肥胖的处女” - 仍然半对
  [00:53.34]"Amber D'Alessio." She made out with a hot dog. “安柏·达莱希奥”与“热狗”有染
  [00:56.18]"Janis Ian, dyke." “詹妮丝·伊恩,同性恋者”
  [01:01.38]- Who is that? - I think that's that kid Damian. - 那是谁? - 我想是那个叫戴米恩的孩子
  [01:03.38]Yeah. He's almost too gay to function. 是的,他老是行为夸张
  [01:05.90]That's funny. Put that in there. 有趣,把那东西放下
  [01:08.22]Oh, no. Maybe that was only okay when Janis said it. 噢,不,或许詹妮丝只会对此说好
  [01:13.10]And they have this Burn Book where they write mean things 那本“烈火红唇之书”,记载的都是
  [01:14.94]- about all the girls in our grade. - What does it say about me? - 我们这级女孩们的低贱传闻 - 她们怎么说我的?
  [01:16.62]- You're not in it. - Those bitches. - 里面没有你 - 那群婊子
  [01:21.78]- Will this minimize my pores? - No. Cady, you gotta steal that book. - 这能缩小我的毛孔吗? - 不,凯蒂
  [01:24.14]- No way! - Oh, come on. We could publish it, - 不行! - 噢,拜托,我们可以公开
  [01:25.82]and then everybody would see what an ax-wound she really is. 这样大家都会看见她的本来面目
  [01:30.46]- I don't steal. - That is for your feet. - 我不会去偷的 - 你完全能办得到
  [01:32.98]Cady, there are two kinds of evil people. 凯蒂,可恶的人有两种
  [01:34.02]People who do evil stuff, 做邪恶事的人
  [01:37.50]and people who see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it. 还有就是目睹邪恶而袖手旁观者
  [01:41.18]Does that mean I'm morally obligated to burn that lady's outfit? 你是说我应该去烧掉那女人的衣服?
  [01:45.70]I love seeing teachers outside of school. 我喜欢在学校外见到老师
  [01:49.38]It's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs. 就像看到小狗用后腿走路一样
  [01:52.74]Hey, guys, what's up? I didn't know you worked here. 嗨,大家好,怎么?我还不知你们在这儿上班呢
  [01:53.26]Yeah, moderately-priced soaps are my calling. 是的,我负责中等价位的肥皂
  [01:55.74]- You shopping? - No, I'm just here with my boyfriend. - 你购物吗? - 不,我只是和我男友路过此处
  [02:03.46]Joking. Sometimes older people make jokes. 开玩笑的,有时年龄大的人也会开玩笑
  [02:04.78]My nana takes her wig off when she's drunk. 我祖母喝醉了就会把假发摘掉
  [02:09.82]Your nana and I have that in common. 你祖母和我有共同之处
  [02:09.98]No, actually, I'm just here because I bartend a couple nights a week 不,事实上,我来这儿是因为一周有几个晚上
  [02:12.66]down at P.J. Calamity's. 我要去PJ·卡莱米提酒吧点当服务员
  [02:17.66]Cady, I hope you do join Mathletes, you know, 凯蒂,我希望你加入数学奥赛队,知道吗
  [02:18.86]and I would love to have a girl on the team, 我想吸收一个女生加入
  [02:19.02]because we start in a couple weeks 因为我们也是几个礼拜前才开始的
  [02:22.70]just, you know, so the team could meet a girl. 知道吗,这样队里就有女孩了
  [02:25.54]- I think I'm gonna do it. - Great. - 我想我会加入的 - 太好了
  [02:28.22]You can't join Mathletes. It's social suicide. 你不能去数奥小组,那是集体自杀
  [02:29.06]Thanks, Damian. 谢谢,戴米恩
  [02:33.38]Well, this has been sufficiently awkward, 呃...场面已经足够尴尬了
  [02:36.06]and I'll see you guys tomorrow. 我们明天再见面吧
  [02:38.58]- Bye. - Bye. - 拜 - 拜
  [02:39.94]Oh, man, that is bleak. 噢,老兄,没前途了
  [02:44.26]So when are you gonna see Regina again? 你什么时候才能再见到莉贾娜?
  [02:44.62]I can't spy on her anymore. It's weird. 我不会再监视她的,感觉很怪
  [02:46.94]Come on, she's never gonna find out. It'll be like our little secret. 拜托,她不会察觉的,这是我们俩的小秘密
  [02:54.66]- Hello? - I know your secret. - 喂? - 我知道你的秘密了
  [02:55.66]Oh, God, busted. 噢,上帝,穿帮了吧
  [02:57.50]Just start apologizing and crying. No, play it cool. 忏悔吧,哭吧,不,镇定下来
  [02:59.34]Secret? What are you saying about? 秘密?你在说什么啊?
  [03:03.02]Gretchen told me that you like Aaron Samuels. 格雷琴告诉我,说你喜欢亚伦·塞缪尔
  [03:03.86]I mean, I don't care. Do whatever you want, 我是说,我并不在意,想怎么就怎么吧
  [03:07.54]but let me just tell you something about Aaron. 但我要告诉你有关亚伦的事:
  [03:08.70]All he cares about is school and his mom and his friends. 他关心的只有学校、他的妈妈还有他的哥们
  [03:14.58]Whatever. I mean, I could talk to him for you if you want. 不论如何,我是说,如果你 愿意的话,我会向他提及你
  [03:14.74]- Is that bad? - But if you like him... - 这不好吗? - 但如果你喜欢他...
  [03:19.94]I mean, nothing embarrassing, though, right?
  [03:20.10]Really? You would do that? 真的?你会提到我?我是说,也不会尴尬,对吗?
  [03:23.42]Oh, no, trust me. I know exactly how to play it. 噢,不,相信我,我完全明白应该怎么做
  [03:26.46]But wait. Aren't you so mad at Gretchen for telling me? 不过等等,格雷琴告诉了我 一切,你不会生她的气吧?
  [03:31.46]- No. - Because if you are, - 不会的 - 因为如果你会生气
  [03:31.62]you can tell me. It was a really bitchy thing for her to do. 你可以给我讲,她这样做的确不够朋友
  [03:36.30]Yeah, it was pretty bitchy, but I'm not mad. 是啊,相当不够朋友,但我不会生气的
  [03:36.98]I mean, I guess she just likes the attention. 我是说,我想她只是喜欢出风头
  [03:40.18]See, Gretch? I told you she's not mad at you. 听到了吗,格雷琴?我都说了,她不会生你气的
  [03:40.86]I can't believe you think I like attention! 我无法相信你认为我喜欢出风头!
  [03:41.70]Okay, love you. See you tomorrow. 好,爱你们,明天见
  [03:46.70]I had survived my first three-way calling attack. 第一轮三方通话攻击,我算挺过来了
  [03:48.22]And with Regina's blessing, I started talking to Aaron more and more. 感谢莉贾娜的祝福,我开始越来越多接触亚伦了
  [03:51.54]On October third, he asked me what day it was. 十月三号,他向我打听日期
  [03:56.22]It's October third. 十月三号
  [03:57.58]Two weeks later, we spoke again. 两周后,我们又说话了
  [03:59.26]- It's raining. - Yeah. 下雨了
  [04:01.58]But I wanted things to move faster, so I followed my instincts. 但是我还想进展更快些
  [04:08.78]Hey, I'm totally lost. Can you help me? 嘿,我完全听不懂,你能帮我吗?
  [04:11.46]- But I wasn't lost. - Yeah. - 但是我能听懂 - 是的
  [04:13.14]I knew exactly what Ms. Norbury was talking about. 我完全明白诺布利小姐在说什么
  [04:15.30]It's a factorial, so you multiply each one by N. 这是因数,所以你用N乘以每一个数
  [04:16.82]Wrong. 错了
  [04:18.34]Is that the summation? 是求和吗?
  [04:21.50]Yeah, they're the same thing. 是的,一回事儿
  [04:21.66]Wrong. He was so wrong. 错了,他错得如此厉害
  [04:26.18]Thanks. I... I get it now. 谢谢,我...我现在明白了
  [04:26.54]Lights, please. 请开灯,好,明天见
  [04:28.70]Okay. See you guys tomorrow.
  [04:35.38]We're having a Halloween party at my friend Chris' tonight. 今晚我朋友克里斯家要举行万圣节聚会
  [04:35.74]Do you wanna come? 想来吗?
  [04:38.74]Yeah, sure. 好啊,当然
  [04:39.74]Great. Here's where it is. 太好了,这是地址
  [04:43.58]It's a costume party. People get pretty into it. 是个化妆晚会,人们都会穿得很可爱
  [04:45.10]Okay. 好的
  [04:48.62]That flyer admits one person only, so don't bring some other guy with you. 梯子只能一人上去
  [04:53.98]Grool. “酷棒”
  [04:54.62]I meant to say "cool" and then I started to say "great." 我是想说“酷毕”,而我又已经在说“棒极”
  [04:58.30]Right. Well, grool. 不错,呃...酷棒
