英语听力:听电影学英语-口是心非 13(在线收听

  [00:01.12]and you're getting worked up about some meaningless incident. 你却还在为一些无意义的事纠缠
  [00:03.32]- We don't have it. - We don't? But it's a formula though, right? - 我们拿不到的 - 什么? 总得有个配方吧?
  [00:07.52]It has to be. It has to be a formula with a patent application. 肯定是的 肯定是个申请了专利的配方
  [00:12.68]- So who's got it? Where is it? - I don't know. - 那么谁拿到了? 它在哪儿? - 我一无所知
  [00:14.24]If you did, you'd be sharing that, though, right? 如果你知道了 你会分享出来的,没错吧?
  [00:15.44]If I were holding out on you, what would I be doing here now? 如果我想对你隐瞒 我还站在这儿干吗?
  [00:19.92]How about pretending to be pissed off and jealous 比如故意假装生气,吃醋
  [00:21.00]just to keep me from thinking what was really going on. 让我分不清真实情况
  [00:22.48]That's sick, even for you. 即使是对你,这招也太恶心了
  [00:25.08]Yeah, and that's not the answer I was looking for. 没错,这不是我想要的答案
  [00:26.80](PHONE RINGING) 喂
  [00:27.08]Quiet. 闭嘴
  [00:29.16]Claire? It's Ned.
  [00:29.28]Hello. Claire? 我Ned
  [00:33.32]I need you back at the office. Now. Like immediately. 我要你尽快赶回办公室 就现在,非常紧急
  [00:38.84]I'll be downstairs in 10 minutes. 我10分钟后到
  [00:42.56]I have to go. That was Guston. I have to get back to the office. 是Guston,我得走了 我要回办公室了
  [00:46.16]We don't have any partners I don't know about, do we? 我们再没有其他我不知道的搭档了 对吧?
  [00:48.84]Yeah, that's what I want. More partners. 没错,更多的搭档正是我需要的
  [00:48.92]It would be so stupid to burn me now. 这时候刺激我可不是什么好主意
  [00:53.20]I have to go. 我得走了
  [00:55.40]- We're not gonna talk about this? - You said it. We're in play. - 这事就算完了? - 我们都在演戏,这是你说的
  [00:59.16]- We don't have time. - Claire... - 我们没空了 - Claire...
  [01:12.88]PHYSEC 1: We had a motion detector go off on 31, near Mr. Tully's office. 我们发现Tully先生办公室 附近的31号监视器显示有异常情况
  [01:15.80]There's some document rooms up there. 档案室在那儿
  [01:16.60]We found one of the security cages wide open, 我们发现有一个安全柜被人打开了
  [01:18.48]and we started turning on the lights. 立马开了灯
  [01:22.24]It took a couple minutes, but we found him down here 我们花了些时间 最后在这发现了他
  [01:22.28]We heard some scurrying around, had a little foot race. 我们听到有匆忙逃跑的声音
  [01:25.92]- PHYSEC 1: We get to running his ID... - Ned! - 我们要查他的身份... - Ned!
  [01:26.04]- hiding under the desk. - Jesus. - 藏在桌子底下 - 天啊
  [01:27.72]...he starts trying to tell us the whole thing was some kind of security test. ...他辩解说这只是一次安全演习
  [01:31.72]Hey, Ned, get these things off me! 嘿,Ned,把我从这放了!
  [01:31.76]We said, "Hey, that's great, but we still gotta call your boss." 我们就说 “好呀,但我们还是要通知你的老板”
  [01:34.76]That's when he started sweating. 于是他就开始慌了
  [01:35.56]- Where's the thing? - PHYSEC 2: Yeah, he had this. - 那东西呢? - 没错,我们发现了这个
  [01:39.04]- "Partizonol 6.1." - JEFF: Ned, I can explain this! - “Partizonol 6.1.” - Ned,听我解释!
  [01:42.40]NED: Shut up, Jeff. Did you open this? PHYSEC 1: No. - Jeff,你给我闭嘴,你们有没有打开? - 没
  [01:47.12]- Did anybody else touch this? - No, sir, just us and the suspect. - 还有其他人什么人碰过这个? - 没有了,先生,就只有我们俩和嫌疑人
  [01:50.28]Suspect? Well, that's no suspect. You're not a suspect, are you, Jeff? 嫌疑人? 这儿可没有嫌疑人 你不是,对吧,Jeff?
  [01:54.08]You're a backstabbing little weasel, and you're gonna burn, asshole. 你只会耍点小滑头 生气吧,该死的
  [01:57.52]Okay. Okay, I want a lawyer! 好吧,我要见我律师!
  [01:59.00]Forget the lawyer, weasel. What you need is a net 把律师忘了吧,该死的 你需要的是一张网
  [02:01.40]'cause I'm gonna throw your backstabbing ass out the window! 因为我要把你这该死的丢出窗外!
  [02:03.48]Is the area upstairs secure now? 现在楼上确保安全了吗?
  [02:04.16]Yeah, are you sure there's no one else upstairs? 没错,你们确定楼上没有其他人了?
  [02:08.48]It's gotta be cleared out before it's re-armed. 重新安置需要先清查一遍
  [02:10.76]- How long does that take? - All three floors? 20 minutes. - 要多久? - 整个3层? 20分钟
  [02:13.56]Go. Go now. Do it. 去,快去,动手啊!
  [02:15.84]- What about him? - He's not going anywhere. Go! - 他怎么处置? - 他哪儿也去不了,快!
  [02:19.72]Okay. Back here, 20 minutes. 好,20分钟后回来
  [02:22.40]Hey, where are you going? Hey, get back here! 嘿,你们要去哪儿? 嘿,回来!
  [02:25.28]Don't leave me here with him! You heard what he said! 别把我和他留在这儿! 你们听到他说什么了!
  [02:30.32]Hey, I mean it! Ned, come on. Claire! 嘿,不开玩笑了!  Ned,来啊,Claire!
  [02:36.60]Okay, you stay here with Jeff. 你在这看着Jeff
  [02:38.48]I'm gonna run downstairs and toss his office. 我下楼去他办公室搜
  [02:41.00]- You don't wanna call it in? - No. - 你不打算报警? - 不
  [02:43.16]All right, we gotta take the lead so no one else gets involved. 我们处理就好了 别让外人涉及进来
  [02:47.56]What about that? 那个怎么办?
  [02:50.92]Leave it. Don't move it. Don't touch it. Just leave it. All right? 留在那儿别动,碰也别碰 放那儿别动,明白?
  [02:55.28]And relax, okay. I'm gonna call it in. 放松点,我去叫人
  [02:59.64]Let's just figure out what we're into. Just hold the fort, all right? 我们看看究竟发生了什么 看好这儿,没问题吧?
  [03:12.48]DUKE... Hair is power. 头发就是力量
  [03:13.16]What this does is it returns to man his original state, his virility. 这能让男人返回本来的面貌,重振雄风
  [03:17.84]- Don't laugh. Excuse me. - Duke, I think you really... - 抱歉,这有什么可笑的 - Duke,你觉得你...
  [03:19.96]Excuse me. Don't laugh. 别笑了,行吗
  [03:20.16]- Hey, what's up, dude? - Hey, Ray, so where the hell you been? - 嘿,伙计们,还好吗? - 嘿,Ray 你去哪儿了?
  [03:21.52](LAUGHS) Seriously, I think you need to relax. 说真的,我觉得你需要放松一下
  [03:25.52]I thought I picked up a tail leaving the bowling alley. 一直待在保龄球馆
  [03:27.12]Hey, I've been trying to call you, man. Where's that cell phone? 嘿,你一直找你呢,伙计 没听着电话?
  [03:29.68]- My battery kicked it. - D'you want to get some pizza. - 手机没电了 - 来些比萨
  [03:30.36]- All right. - Cool. - 好 - 好
  [03:31.68]- Don't you want anything? - No, I'm good. - 要带点什么? - 不用了
  [03:32.36]So what is it, guys? 伙计们,到底是什么?
  [03:36.36]- What's the secret? - The secret? - 谜底是? - 谜底?
  [03:40.20]Hair. 头发
  [03:47.48]All right, listen to me, Claire. Forget Ned. Okay? Forget Tully. 听我说,Claire,别管Ned 行吗? 别管Tully
  [03:50.88]Do you have any idea what this is worth? They can grow hair! 你知不知道这值多少? 能够生发呀!
  [03:55.04]Okay? They can restore hair. 他们能让人重新长出头发
  [03:58.00]Do you have any idea what we could sell this for? 你知不知道 如果我们把这卖了能赚多少?
  [03:58.20]What Garsik would pay for this? Garsik会开价多少?
  [04:00.60]They haven't delivered the patent yet, Claire. It's an open technology. 他们还没来得及申请专利,Claire 这还是项开放技术
  [04:04.56]Now, there it is. I can see it. It's a fortune. It's just... All right. 我来告诉你吧,我们要发了 它... 好吧
  [04:08.64]Claire! All right, just wait. Wait. Claire, listen. Listen to me. Claire! 好吧,稍等 Claire 听我说
  [04:12.00]There's always been a spark between us. You know that! 我们之间是有些问题 你也知道!
  [04:17.60]Now that night on the plane... Claire, come on! 飞机上那晚... Claire,别!
  [04:19.40]God, Claire! 该死,Claire!
  [04:27.32](PHONE RINGING)
  [04:34.68](SPEAKING SPANISH)
  [04:37.48]CLAIRE... I got it. 我拿到了
  [04:42.56]- Where's Dinesh? - He's right behind you. - Dinesh呢? - 就在你背后
  [04:43.52]Dinesh! Dinesh! She's got it. Come on, let's go. She's got it. Dinesh! Dinesh! 她拿到了 快,快,她拿到呃
  [04:48.72]- Got what? - She's got the formula. - 拿到什么了? - 她拿到配方了
  [04:51.92]She's on the 24th floor of the B&R building. 她现在在B&R大厦24层
  [04:55.76]She can't walk it out. She's gotta send it. 她没法带着她走出来,只能发出来
  [04:57.96]All those copiers you hacked, where is the closest one? 你黑的那些打印机中,哪台最近?
  [04:58.76]Just give me one second, Ray! 给我一点时间,Ray!
