英语听力:听电影学英语-平民天后 05(在线收听

  [00:04.54]I have to show you something. 我要让你看些东西.
  [00:04.90]Wait, wait, wait. 等等,等等.
  [00:07.46]∮ Sometimes the world ∮ ∮ 有时这世界∮
  [00:09.82]∮ Is a valley of heartaches and tears ∮ ∮是心痛和泪水聚集的山谷∮
  [00:12.06]Come on. 来啊.
  [00:12.10]∮ And in the hustle and bustle, no sunshine appears ∮ ∮庸庸碌碌,见不著一丝阳光∮
  [00:15.30]∮ But you and I have a love always there to remind us,,, ∮ ∮但是爱意却一直萦绕在你我之间...
  [00:19.78]Wow! 哇!
  [00:20.78]You should see Rome the way Romans do. 你该用罗马人的眼光来看罗马.
  [00:23.74]So you knew that I would come. 你知道我会来.
  [00:25.86]I hoped you would. 我希望你会.
  [00:26.54]Are you sure you know how to drive this thing? 你确信你会开这玩意儿吗?
  [00:31.62]This is Rome. Nobody knows how to drive. 这里是罗马 没人会开
  [00:32.90]∮ Volare ∮ ∮飞吧!∮
  [00:36.10]∮ Oh, oh ∮
  [00:38.66]∮ Cantare ∮ ∮唱吧!∮
  [00:39.98]∮ Oh, oh, oh, oh ∮
  [00:41.66]∮ Let's fly way up to the clouds ∮ ∮让我们直奔云霄∮
  [00:48.10]∮ Away from the maddening crowds ∮ ∮远离尘嚣∮
  [00:50.10]∮ We can sing in the glow of a star that I know of ∮ ∮在星光下唱著歌∮
  [00:52.98]∮ Where lovers enjoy peace of mind ∮ ∮恋人陶醉在宁静之中∮
  [00:54.98]∮ Let us leave the confusion and all disillusion behind ∮ ∮让浑浊和幻灭抛诸脑后∮
  [01:00.02]∮ Just like birds of a feather ∮ ∮彷佛物以类聚∮
  [01:01.74]∮ And the rainbow together we'll find ∮ ∮我们终将寻获彩虹∮
  [01:03.82]∮ Volare ∮ ∮飞吧!∮
  [01:04.90]∮ Oh, oh ∮
  [01:06.22]∮ Cantare ∮ ∮唱吧!∮
  [01:07.58]∮ Oh, oh, oh, oh ∮
  [01:38.62]∮ Volare ∮ ∮飞吧!∮
  [01:40.62]∮ Oh, oh ∮
  [01:43.50]∮ Oh, oh ∮ ∮唱吧!∮
  [01:44.50]∮ Cantare ∮
  [01:45.58]∮ Oh, oh, oh, oh ∮
  [01:48.74]∮ No wonder my happy heart sings ∮ ∮难怪我的心愉悦地唱著歌∮
  [01:52.74]∮ Your love has given me wings ∮ ∮你的爱给了我翅膀∮
  [01:56.10]∮ No wonder my happy heart sings ∮ ∮难怪我的心愉悦地唱著歌∮
  [02:01.70]∮ Your love has given me wings ∮ ∮你的爱给了我翅膀∮
  [02:05.82]Wow! 哇喔!
  [02:08.34]I don't know what catastrophe is going to happen in Rome, 我不知道罗马会有什么大灾难将要发生,
  [02:12.58]but with Lizzie there, something will. 但只要丽兹在这儿, 一定会出什么事儿的
  [02:15.38]What are you going to do with that information? 你打算怎么处理这些情报?
  [02:17.70]Give it away, like you did with the graduation video? 卖个好价钱,就像毕业典礼的录象?
  [02:20.98]Hey! She was really freaked out by that. 嘿! 那次她可气疯了.
  [02:22.42]And you have what to show for it? 那你这个又拿来给谁看?
  [02:24.54]The pride of a job well done? 工作出色的自豪感?
  [02:29.10]Try buying a PS2 with the pride of a job well done. 你用“工作出色的自豪感”买个PS2试试
  [02:31.98]Oh! 哦!
  [02:33.10]Matt, Matt, Matt. 马特, 马特, 马特.
  [02:34.86]We've been over this before. Cash up front. 这可不是第一次了,先付现金.
  [02:36.94]Melina, are you staying for dinner? Melina,你会留下来吃晚饭吗?
  [02:40.06]-I'd love to, Mrs. McGuire. -Great. -我很乐意,麦戈瑞夫人. -太好了.
  [02:42.46]We'll need extra energy to work on our summer reading list. 我们得为暑假阅读增加点能量
  [02:43.54]In that case, I'll make brownies. 那么,我就做果仁巧克力饼了
  [02:45.98]Oh. 哦.
  [02:50.30]I've said it before. You're weak. Weak! 我告诉你了,你很软弱,软弱!
  [02:51.18]Don't do anything without consulting me first. 不得到我的同意,任何事情都不要做.
  [02:56.02]You rock. 你真厉害.
  [03:13.66]Hey, Paolo, can I ask you something? 保罗,能问你些事情吗?
  [03:15.70]Si, carina, 好的, 朋友,
  [03:17.62]Um, I know that our lives are a little different. 恩,我知道,我们的生活有点不同.
  [03:21.30]Actually, like, several universes different. 实际上差别很大.
  [03:23.66]But doesn't Sergei get tired of following us around? 怎么谢尔盖还在到处跟着我们?
  [03:26.98]Actually, Sergei's my bodyguard. 实际上, 谢尔盖是我的保镖.
  [03:29.42]So, you see, between me and Sergei, 你瞧,有我和谢尔盖在,
  [03:32.34]you'll always be safe. 你会很安全的
  [03:37.70]Whoa! 哇!
  [03:37.82]How famous do you have to be before you need a bodyguard? 要配备保镖得有多出名?
  [03:44.38]Paolo, go! Go! 保罗, 走!快走!
  [03:45.54]I-It's Miss Ungermeyer! It's our bus! 是恩格梅尔小姐! 是我们学校的车!
  [03:52.22]-Go! -I cannot. -快走! -我不行
  [03:56.10]Miss Ungermeyer, didn't we just pass the Castel Sant'Angelo? 恩格梅尔小姐, 我们是不是刚经过 “圣天使城”?
  [03:57.98]Yep. What about it? 是的,怎么了?
  [03:59.66]I just noticed it's not on our itinerary. 我刚注意到,那不在我们的行程当中
  [04:02.62]Well, s-shouldn't it be? 哦,那是不是?
  [04:03.42]That is correct. 是的.
  [04:06.42]I-I mean, it was a papal residence 我是说是否曾经是教皇的住所
  [04:06.50]and it does contain frescoes 一些受拉斐尔画派影响的画家
  [04:10.02]from artists influenced by the school of Raphael. 在里面画了些壁画
  [04:12.38]What are you up to, Gordon? 你要说什么, 戈登?
  [04:13.70]N-N-Nothing. 没...没什么.
  [04:15.14]I-I just figure that, 我,我只是想,
  [04:17.86]while in Rome, we should be exposed 既然到了罗马,我们应该
  [04:20.26]to as much Renaissance, Raphaelite work 尽可能多欣赏一些文艺复兴时期, 拉斐尔画派的作品
  [04:20.62]typified by chiaroscuro and Hellenic mythical imagery 他们最典型的技法就是“明暗法”
  [04:23.90]as humanly possible. 和对希腊神话雕刻的模仿
  [04:29.30]Whew. 哇塞.
  [04:30.18]Ah, Gordon, you are on the list, 戈登,你现在上了名单,
  [04:32.66]and the list is not a place you want to be. 这名单可不是你想上的那种
  [04:36.66]What is this? Only in Rome, huh? 那是什么? 只有在罗马才有?
  [04:39.10]You know how to move that, or you want me to do it for you? 你知道如何搬走吗, 还是要我来帮你搬?
  [04:43.78]What are you looking at? 你在看什么?
  [04:49.34]Want a piece of that, a piece of the Ungermeyer? 你想尝尝我的厉害吗?
  [04:58.70]Over there by that statue. You see it? 到雕像那儿去,看见了吗?
