高中单词 高二(单元) Unit1-6(在线收听

  [00:00.00]Disneyland           castle               the Sleeping Beauty Castle
  [00:04.44]n.迪斯尼乐园         n.城堡               睡美人城堡
  [00:08.88]ahead                yard                 bear                 Bear Country
  [00:14.47]adv.在前;向前        n.码                 n.熊                 熊国
  [00:20.06]horse-drawn          streetcar            tower
  [00:24.08]用马拉的             n.(美)市内有轨电车   n.塔
  [00:28.11]the Tomorrow Land  Building
  [00:32.05]men's room           sign                 Walt Disney          cartoon
  [00:36.98]男厕所               n.符号;标记          沃尔特.迪斯尼(人名)  n.动画片
  [00:41.90]film-maker           Chicago              Kansas City          take along
  [00:47.18]影片制作人           n.芝加哥(美国城市)   n.堪萨斯城(美国城市) 随身带着
  [00:52.45]in the hope of       well-known           lose heart           garage
  [00:57.53]怀着…的期望         出名的;众所周知的   失去信心;灰心       n.汽车间(库)
  [01:02.62]mouse                day after            day in this way      unsuccessful
  [01:07.94]n.鼠;耗子           日复一日地           用这种方法           adj.不成功的;失败的
  [01:13.27]Mickey Mouse         cartoon-maker        character            Donald Duck
  [01:18.71]米老鼠               动画制作人           n.人物               唐老鸭
  [01:24.14]studio               Snow Whit            Disney World
  [01:27.97]n.工作室,演播室      白雪公主             迪斯尼世界
  [01:31.79]operate              strict               beard                imagine
  [01:36.95]vt.经营;管理         adj.严格的;严密的    n.(下巴上的)胡须     vt.想象;设想
  [01:42.11]view                 button               heat                 bring on
  [01:46.79]n.风景;景色         n.钮扣;(电铃等)按钮 n.热vt.把…加热      使前进
  [01:51.46]magic                the Magic Castle     carriage
  [01:55.74]adj.有魔力的         神秘城堡             n.四轮马车
  [02:00.01]Hank                 cigarette            go ahead             permission
  [02:04.77]汉克(男名)           n.纸烟;香烟         用吧                 n.允许;许可;同意
  [02:09.54]typewriter           tape-recording       male                 tobacco
  [02:14.13]n.打字机             n.磁带录音           adj.男(性)的         n.烟草;烟叶
  [02:18.71]smoker               burn down            packet               nation
  [02:23.88]n.吸烟者             把…烧成平地         n.小包裹;袋         n.民族;国家
  [02:29.05]habit                chance               reduce               compare
  [02:34.83]n.习惯;习性         n.机会;可能性       vt.减少;缩减        vt.比较;对照
  [02:40.60]compared to          therefore            remain               ban
  [02:45.43]与…相比             adv.因此;所以       vi.保持;仍是        n.& vt.禁止;禁令
  [02:50.27]public               give up              nicotine             drug
  [02:54.99]adj.公共的;公开的   放弃                 n.尼古丁             n.药;药物
  [02:59.72]get into the habit ofbe used to           cancer               dislike
  [03:05.04]染上…的习惯         习惯于               n.癌症               vt.不喜爱;厌恶
  [03:10.35]smelly               non-smoker           share                hardly
  [03:15.19]adj.有臭味的         n.不抽烟的人         vt.分享;共同使用    adv.几乎不;简直不
  [03:20.02]club                 compare with
  [03:22.45]n.俱乐部             把…和…进行比较
  [03:24.88]manage               dining room          type                 composition
  [03:29.52]vt.& vi.管理         餐厅                 vt.打字n.类型        n.作文;作曲
  [03:34.15]body language        handshake            wave                 nod
  [03:38.98]身势语               n.握手               vt.& vi.挥手;挥动    vi.点头
  [03:43.82]agreement            disagreement         gesture              Asian
  [03:48.99]n.同意;一致          n.意见不同;不同意    vi.姿势;手势         adj.亚洲(人)的
  [03:54.16]kiss                 Arab                 custom               Puerto Rico
  [03:59.14]n.& vt.& vi.吻       n.& adj.阿拉伯的     n.习惯;风俗;习俗     n.波多黎名(国名)
  [04:04.11]proud                manner               manners              one another
  [04:09.18]adj.骄傲的;自豪的    n.方式;态度;举止   n.(pl.)礼貌          互相;彼此
  [04:14.25]distance             communicate          comfortable          host
  [04:20.14]n.距离               vi.交往vt.传送       adj.舒服的;轻松自在的n.主人
  [04:26.03]guest                fist                 juice
  [04:29.36]n.客人;宾客         n.拳头               n.(水果、蔬菜等的)汁
  [04:32.69]daily                rose                 journalist           editor
  [04:37.67]n.日报adj.每日的     n.玫瑰花             n.记者;新闻工作者   n.编辑
  [04:42.64]advertisement        headline             check                interview
  [04:47.36]n.登广告;广告       n.(报刊的)大字标题   vt.检查;核对        n.& vt.采访
  [04:52.08]magazine             chief                event                get down to
  [04:56.86]n.杂志               adj.主要的;首要的    n.事件;大事         开始认真(做某事)
  [05:01.64]fix                  face to face         photographer         immediately
  [05:06.66]vt.确定;决定        面对面的;当面的     n.摄影师             adv.立即
  [05:11.69]take a photograph of develop              hand                 add
  [05:16.62]照一张(…的)相       vt.冲洗(照片)        vt.给;传递           vt.添加;增加
  [05:21.54]deliver              lorry                rail                 speed
  [05:26.02]vt.投递(信件、邮包)  n.(英)运货汽车;卡车  n.铁路               n.速度v.(使)加速
  [05:30.50]latest               publish              edition              weekly
  [05:35.53]adj.最近的;最新的   vt.出版;发行        n.版;版本           adj.每周的
  [05:40.56]Business Weekly      section              be popular with somebody
  [05:45.18]每周商刊             n.段;部分;部门     受某人欢迎
  [05:49.81]as well              besides              suitable             rewrite
  [05:54.83]也;又               adv.还有;此外        adj.合适的;适宜的    vt.重写
  [05:59.86]care for
  [06:02.79]Charlie Chaplin      direct               director             comedy
  [06:07.71]查理.卓别林          vt.& vi.导演         n.(戏剧;电影等)导演  n.喜剧
  [06:12.64]line                 particular           actress              act
  [06:17.91]n.(剧)台词           adj.特殊的;特别的   n.女演员             vi.(戏)表演vt.扮演
  [06:23.19]intend               lifetime             set off              moustache
  [06:28.82]vt.想要;打算        n.一生;终身         起身;起程           n.小胡子
  [06:34.45]swing                after a while        silent               add to
  [06:40.52]vt.挥舞;摆动        不久以后             adj.无声的;无对话的 把…加到…上
  [06:46.60]uncertain            be uncertain about   bury                 honour
  [06:52.07]adj.不确定的         对…不确定           vt.埋葬;葬          vt.尊敬;给予荣誉
  [06:57.54]honor                contribution         appearance           stage
  [07:03.07]v.尊敬;给予荣誉     n.贡献               n.出现;露面         n.舞台;时期;阶段
  [07:08.59]set                  California           search               in search for
  [07:13.61]vt.设置(布景、背景)  n.加利福尼亚(美国)   n.& v.搜寻;搜查     寻找,寻求
  [07:18.62]storm                wooden               mouthful             as if
  [07:23.34]n.风暴;暴(风)雨     adj.木制的           n.满口;一口         好像
  [07:28.05]in a hurry           have on              piano                play the piano
  [07:33.28]匆忙地;很快地       戴着;穿着           n.钢琴               弹钢琴
  [07:38.50]pianist              excite               exciting             manager
  [07:43.97]n.钢琴家             vt.使兴奋;使激动     adj.令人兴奋的       n.经理
  [07:49.45]Syd                  film                 Switzerland          bring up
  [07:54.76]西德(男名)           v.拍摄;把…拍成电影  n.瑞士(欧洲)         教育;培养
  [08:00.08]pick out
  [08:03.34]cock                 shame                coin                 shape
  [08:08.12]n.公鸡               n.遗憾的事;羞愧     n.硬币               n.形状;外形
  [08:12.90]seashell             ring                 silver               collection
  [08:17.83]n.海贝               n.环形物(如环、圈)   n.银                 n.收藏品;收集物
  [08:22.75]penny                look round=lookaroundmine                 bank
  [08:27.43]n.便士               仔细查看             vt.开采(矿物)        n.银行
  [08:32.10]material             possibly             hide                 hand out
  [08:37.17]n.材料;原料         adv.可能地;也许      vt.& vi.把…藏起来   分发
  [08:42.24]here and there       whenever             trade                envelope
  [08:46.93]各处;处处           conj.无论何时,每当   vt.用…进行交换      n.信封
  [08:51.62]sooner or later      whatever             afford               pack
  [08:56.49]迟早                 pron.& conj.无论什么 vt.担负得起          v.包;捆;群
  [09:01.36]packs of             cheaply
  [09:04.48]大量的;一大堆的     adv.廉价地
