VOA标准英语2011--Doctors Say Millions Worldwide Suffer Fr(在线收听

Doctors Say Millions Worldwide Suffer From Diabetes

The World Health Organization estimates that 346 million people globally suffer from diabetes. Most of them live in low- and middle-income countries. The WHO projects that if current trends continue, deaths from the disease could double by 2030, and health experts warn it could become a global epidemic, with significant health and economic consequences.
Dr. Sue Kirkman is the acting chief medical officer for the American Diabetes Association. She said millions of people live with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease.
Sue Kirkman博士是美国糖尿病协会的首席医学官员,她说,数以百万的人患有2型糖尿病,这是最常见的糖尿病类型。
“We tend to think of epidemics as infectious diseases, but we are now having an epidemic of diabetes worldwide,” she said. “In the U.S., at least one in four people with type 2 diabetes are undiagnosed. We don’t really know worldwide, but presumably is probably higher in many countries.”
Type 2 diabetes impairs the body's ability to use insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. The disease can damage the heart, eyes, kidneys and nerves.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the cost of diabetes in the United States is about $174 billion per year, mostly for treatment of complications and disabilities.
Dr. Ann Albright, who heads the CDC's Diabetes Division, said, “The projections for diabetes today in the U.S.: one in 10 has diabetes; when we look out to 2050 that may become as high as one in three that may have diabetes.”
Ann Albright博士是疾病控制与预防中心糖尿病分部的主任,她说:“估计在美国,每十个人中就有一个患糖尿病,到2050年,这个比率将会达到三分之一。”
Albright said more than 50 million people in India have diabetes, followed by 40 million in China, and about 26 million in the U.S. Nearly 90 percent of these cases are type 2 diabetes, and are closely related to obesity, aging, and racial and ethnic factors.
“It’s important to point out that those of Asian descent, southeast Asian in particular, develop diabetes at a lower body weight,” she noted.
Scientists say obesity and lack of exercise contribute to the increased number of cases, as do earlier diagnosis and people living longer.
Dr. Myrlene Staten, a senior adviser for the Diabetes Research Division at the National Institutes of Health, said, “One of the big concerns of diabetes today is that type 2 diabetes did not occur in children 30 years ago, or it was rarely seen. But as children in America have become heavier, we are now starting to recognize type 2 diabetes in children, especially in children of minority populations, largely African-American and Hispanic.”
Myrlene Staten博士是全国卫生研究院糖尿病研究所的高级顾问,“如今对糖尿病最大的担忧是,30年前,儿童不会患有2型糖尿病,或者很少见。但美国儿童越来越胖,如今已在儿童人群中发现患有2型糖尿病,特别是少数族裔人群,主要是非洲裔美国人和西班牙裔。”
There is no known cure for diabetes, but doctors say making lifestyle changes - such as maintaining a healthy weight by eating right and exercising - is the best way to treat and prevent it.
