
  A: Hi, Daniel, how are you holding up?  I am greatly sorry for your loss.
  B: Thank you, I’m doing much better. I’ve begun organizing everything for the funeral.
  A: How’s that going?
  B: It’s a lot harder than I imagined. There are many things that you have to to arrange. I booked a time and date with the funeral home, but I still have a lot of things to do.
  A: Have you bought a burial plot and a casket?
  B: No. Wendy is being cremated. She always talked about how she didn’t want to be buried. I already  chose a cremation urn and we plan to spread the ashes in the ocean.
  A: I see, that sounds like something she would have really liked. I am sure the memorial service will be tasteful. You are doing a great job.
  B: Thanks, it hasn’t been easy, but luckily we have life insurance and Wendy left behind a detailed  will that will sort out any other legal matters.
  hold up 支撑,熬过来
  burial n.葬礼
  casket n.棺材
  cremate v.火葬
  tasteful adj.高雅的
  detailed a.详细的
  A: Daniel,你是怎么样熬过来的?对你失去亲人,我感到很难过。
  B: 谢谢,我现在能较好地处理,我开始为葬礼做准备。
  A: 那进行得怎么样?
  B: 比我想得要难。有很多事都需要你安排。我和殡仪馆预约了时间和日期。但我仍有很多事要做。
  A: 你买墓地和棺材了吗?
  B: 没有。Wendy将会被火化。她总是说不想被埋葬。我已经选了一个骨灰盒,计划将骨灰撒到海里。
  A: 我明白了,那听起来很像她喜欢的做法。我肯定吊念服务会很高雅。你做得很好。
  B: 谢谢,安排葬礼并不容易,幸运地是我们有人寿保险,而且Wendy留下了处理法律事务的详细遗嘱。
