英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 11(在线收听

  [00:01.30]What the Flagnard?! 这怎么回事?
  [00:15.70]That should stop your puny... 这就能制止你那微小的...
  [00:18.86]Oomputer, close door, hangar two! 计算机,关闭,悬挂门2号!
  [00:20.54]Olose door, hangar three! 关闭,悬挂门3号!
  [00:21.82]Door, hangar four! 悬挂门4号!
  [00:26.62]Olose them all! 全都关上!
  [01:14.94]Oomputer, begin extraction! 计算机,开始释放程序!
  [01:58.86]Finally, I can rebuild my civilization on a new planet. 终于,我可以在一个新星球上 重建我的文明
  [02:04.34]Any thoughts on where I should set up shop? 你觉得我该在哪里开家店子好?
  [02:06.90]Your planet, perhaps? 或许,在你的星球上?
  [02:07.54]You keep your slimy tentacles off my planet! 你别用你那粘糊糊的触须碰我的星球
  [02:12.22]If you wanted to stop me, you should have done it 如果你想要制止我 你就该在...
  [02:14.46]when you possessed the Quantonium! ...还拥有量子核的时候动手了
  [02:16.86]Now you're nothing. 现在你什么也不是
  [02:20.46]There are innocent people down there who didn't do anything! 这星球上有着 什么也没做过的无辜的人
  [02:22.74]There were innocent people on my home planet before it was destroyed. 在我的星球被毁之前 也有很多无辜的人生活在上面
  [02:28.62]- I'm sorry your planet was destroyed. - Oh, don't be. - 我很遗憾你的星球被摧毁了 - 噢,不需要
  [02:32.58]I'm the one who destroyed it. Oonfused? 我就是摧毁它的人,迷惑吗?
  [02:36.18]After I reveal my tale to you, everything will become crystal clear. 在向你揭露我的故事之后 所有事都会像水晶般明晰
  [02:42.90]Oomputer, initialize cloning machine. 计算机,初始化克隆机
  [02:45.42]Yes, Gallaxhar. 遵命,银河煞星
  [02:51.38]I found out my parents were... 我发现我的父母是...
  [02:58.94]No child should ever have to endure that! 没有哪个孩子该承受这个
  [03:01.82]So I went on the road with a giant... 所以我来到公路上 带着一个巨大的...
  [03:04.98]And soon thereafter was married! 而很快之后我结婚了
  [03:09.14]Things were going well, until she wanted to... 生活过得挺好的,直到她想要...
  [03:13.14]And then I was all, "No way!", and she was all, "Yes, way," and I was like... 而我总说“不行!”,而她 总说“能行!”而我就像...
  [03:20.26]But I've told you too much already! 但是我已经和你说得太多了
  [03:22.98]Let the birth of my new planet, now called... 让我的新星球诞生吧!就叫...
  [03:28.14]..."Gallaxhar's Planet" begin! “银河煞星”星球!
  [03:59.66]Once again, a UFO has landed in America, 再一次,一架 UFO 在美国登陆了
  [04:02.22]the only country UFO's ever seem to land in. 在这看起来是唯一一个 曾被外星人光顾的国家
  [04:06.02]Excuse me. What's that, Henshaw? 抱歉,什么事,亨什沃?
  [04:08.02]Okey-dokey. 那好吧
  [04:12.98]We now take you, live, to a transmission from the alien spacecraft. 我们现在要为您实时传送一段 来自外星人飞船的广播
  [04:19.74]Humans of Earth, I have come in peace. 地球的人类,我为和平而来
  [04:22.70]You need not fear me. I mean you no harm. 你们不需要畏惧我 我不会伤害你们
  [04:30.30]However, it is important to note most of you will not survive the next 24 hours. 不论如何你们要牢记,你们中大部分人 不会在接下来的24小时中幸存
  [04:33.94]And those who do survive will be enslaved and experimented on. 而幸存下来的人将会成为 奴隶或用于试验
  [04:37.30]You should in no way take any of this personally. 你们不应当把这当成针对你们的行为
  [04:43.22]It's just business. So just to recap: 这只是例行公事,我总结一下
  [04:47.38]I come in peace, I mean you no harm and you all will die. Gallaxhar out. 我为和平而来,我不会伤害你们 而你们都将死亡,银河煞星通话完毕
  [04:56.62]OK, boys, set the terror level 好了,伙计们,把恐怖警戒等级...
  [04:59.42]at code brown 'cause I need to change my pants. ...设成棕色,因为我要去换裤子了
