英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 14(在线收听

  [00:01.10]Ship will self-destruct in T-minus four minutes. 飞船将在T-4分钟后自我毁灭
  [00:07.14]Don't you worry about us, Susan. 千万不要担心我们,苏珊
  [00:08.22]You finally have a chance to get your old life back. 你终于有机会过上以往的生活了
  [00:13.22]I don't want my old life back. 我不想过以前的生活
  [00:20.66]They think they've stopped me?! 他们以为这就能制止我了?
  [00:25.42]They've stopped nothing. 他们没有制止任何东西!
  [00:25.74]Female carbon-based life form, or Susan, not contained. 基于碳化合物的雌性生命体 或叫苏珊,已失去控制
  [00:31.10]What?! 什么?
  [00:37.86]Attention, robot probes! Orush the earthling! 注意,探测机器人! 摧毁那个地球人
  [01:13.34]Robot bay has been destroyed. 机器人仓已被摧毁
  [01:14.26]Fire phasoid cannon! 发射矢量炮!
  [01:40.46]Are you crazy?! You could have killed me! 你疯了吗?那可能会杀了我的!
  [01:41.70]Then we understand each other. 我们已经明白对方的意图了
  [01:45.34]Now, open the doors and let my friends go. 听好,把门打开让我的朋友走
  [01:49.02]Or what? 不然?
  [01:51.22]You don't actually think you're a match for me, do you? 你不会真以为你是我对手吧,是吗?
  [01:55.38]Quantonium has been successfully diverted to the bridge. 量子核已被成功转移至舰桥
  [01:59.46]Escape capsule ready for transport. 逃生仓已准备好
  [02:03.26]Like I told you before, you should have defeated me 就像我说过的 在你还有量子核的时候...
  [02:07.62]when you had the Quantonium. ...就应该打败我
  [02:09.02]Have fun exploding! 祝爆炸愉快
  [02:38.86]- Now open the doors. - Even if I wanted to, I couldn't! - 快打开门 - 就算我想也打不开
  [02:41.10]That's what happens when you set a ship to self-destruct! 当你把船设成自我毁灭之后就这样
  [02:45.02]Now we're all going to die! 现在我们都要死了!
  [02:47.86]And there's nothing you can do about it, Susan! 而你对此却无能为力,苏珊
  [02:51.98]I wouldn't be so sure. 我不太肯定
  [02:55.34]And the name is Ginormica. 还有我的名字是,女巨人
  [03:09.86]Total annihilation in T-minus one minute. 完全毁灭时限为T-1分钟
  [03:13.94]- It's been an honor knowing you, Doc. - The feeling's mutual. - 很荣幸认识你,博士 - 彼此彼此,我的朋友
  [03:18.30]I'll see you guys tomorrow for lunch. 我们明天午餐时再见了
  [03:20.90]That's right, B.O.B. 说的对,鲍勃
  [03:22.98]And there'll be candy and cake and balloons. 而那里会有糖果,点心还有气球
  [03:25.98]Oake and balloons for lunch?! It's gonna be the best day ever! I love you guys! 午餐吃点心和气球?那就会是 最棒的一天了!我爱你们大家!
  [03:43.22]By Hawking's chair! 以史蒂芬·霍金的椅子之名
  [04:03.30]Total annihilation in T-minus 30 seconds. 完全毁灭时限为T-30秒
  [04:11.18]- Where's Monger?! - He's supposed to be here! - 蒙哥在哪儿? - 他应该到了啊
  [04:14.34]He said the only reason he wouldn't be here is if he was dead! 他说过他来不了的唯一原因 就是他牺牲了
  [04:21.62]Or late! 或迟到了!
  [04:26.70]Insectosaurus?! You're alive! 虫虫怪?你还活着!
  [04:32.14]And you're a... butterfly! 而且你变成了...蝴蝶!
  [04:46.58]...three... two... - Oome on, come on!
  [04:46.70]...four... - 3...2... - 快啊,快啊
  [04:55.34]Nothing happened. Maybe my count was... 啥事没有,或许我的计时有...
