
  More steps are being taken to improve U.S. food safety. The Agriculture Department unveiled new regulations April 5 that would force meat and poultry companies to delay shipments to consumers until government inspectors get results of products they have tested for E-coli bacteria and other contaminants. The move is an effort by the government to prevent outbreaks of food poisoning and reduce the number of costly product recalls.
  New regulations
  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one-in-six Americans are sickened after eating contaminated food and 5,000 die every year. During the past several years’s outbreaks of E-Coli and Salmonella poisoning have led to massive food recalls of ground beef and other things like spinach, tomatoes and eggs.
  "People are alarmed when they see these kinds of outbreaks and they want the food industry to do something," Robert Brackett, a food industry analyst said.
  Now the food industry and the U.S. Agriculture Department have established tougher regulations to keep contaminated items out of the food supply. Meat and poultry products will be prevented from reaching consumers for 24 to 48 hours until government inspectors have the opportunity to review tests to help ensure consumers are getting the safest food possible. Government researchers believe if the new guidelines had been in place two years ago more than 44 serious food recalls could have been prevented.
  现在食品工业和农业部联手制定了更为严格的规定将受污染的食品排除在粮食供应之外。家禽类和肉类制品必须等候24到48小时才能到达消费者手中,在此期间,政府检查人员将对这些产品的检测结果进行审议,尽可能确保消费者获得最安全的食品。政府研究人员相信,如果在两年前实施了这些新的规定, 美国至少可以避免44起严重的食品召回事件。
  Long-term heath outcomes
  "It is much more important to prevent the product from going into the marketplace than it is to recall it after it's been there," said Pat Buck, who founded the Center for Foodborne Illness, Research and Prevention in 2006. Buck made the decision several years after her grandson Kevin died from eating food tainted with E-coli bacteria.
  Buck says serious foodborne illness is not just about having an upset stomach.
  "It can also lead to a whole host of long-term health outcomes. One reason we formed our organization was to start examining and looking at those long-term health outcomes," Buck explains.
  Improving infrastructure
  Other food safety advocates say the U.S. system is stronger since President Barack Obama signed The Food Safety Modernization Act into law last January. It represented the first major overhaul of the nation's food safety infrastructure in more than 70 years. The act requires companies to stop contamination before it happens by increasing inspections at food processing facilities and forcing companies to recall tainted products. Buck says the tougher rules will have a big impact.
  "Definitely it will save lives. Will it make our food safe tomorrow morning? No," she said. "This is a major change that means we are going to have to develop regulations and we are going to have to find resources to put the new programs in place."
  Buck says it could take 10 years before significant changes to the nation's food safety system are in place. In the meantime, she says her organization will continue working to encourage more research and raise public awareness about foodborne illness and making the food we eat safer.
