英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 13(在线收听

  [00:02.96]My niece loves those books. 我的外甥女很喜欢看这些书
  [00:04.16]- You're famous! - He's not as famous as you. - 你很出名啊! - 还是您更加出名
  [00:07.24]Molly's not gonna believe I've actually met you. 莫丽一定不相信我见到你了
  [00:10.84]Negus, right? 你叫尼格斯,对吧?
  [00:11.08]And Calum Steppe, right? 你是卡伦·斯黛,是吗?
  [00:14.08]Right. 没错
  [00:16.96]We checked your story, and you're free to go. 我们查了一下 你们现在可以走了
  [00:18.76]- Excuse me, Mr. Wolff? - Mm-hmm. - 对不起,沃尔夫先生 - 啊-哈
  [00:21.96]Can I have your autograph? 您可以帮我签名吗?
  [00:22.92]Sure. 没问题
  [00:23.72]Oh, yeah, sure. 哦,好啊,当然
  [00:24.60]To Sergeant Rose. 给罗斯警官
  [00:29.32]Stu Wolff. 斯图·沃尔夫
  [00:29.80]Right, well, now that that's settled, 好了 都解决了
  [00:31.40]would anyone like to come to a party with me? 有人想去我的聚会吗?
  [00:36.84]I would. 我
  [00:47.40]You can't stay mad at me forever. 你别生我的气了
  [00:49.36]Forgive me, please? 原谅我,好吗?
  [00:51.88]I am in no way ready to forgive you. 我绝不会原谅你
  [00:54.04]This is the party of the century. 这是本世纪最美妙的舞会了
  [00:57.32]Don't you want to enjoy it? 你不想参与其中吗?
  [00:57.44]I'm not really in a partying mood. 我现在根本没心情聚会
  [01:00.92]Look, I'm sorry. 对不起
  [01:01.88]I really am. I'm sorry. 真的,十分抱歉
  [01:03.88]You're just saying that to save the evening. 你这么说只是为了不要错过今晚罢了
  [01:06.28]No, I'm not. 不,不是这样的
  [01:07.80]I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. 没有你我真的不知道该怎么办
  [01:09.16]What's going on? Why are you still out here? 怎么了? 你们怎么还站在门外?
  [01:13.56]We just don't feel like going in right now. 我们现在有些不想进去了
  [01:15.12]Well, then. 好吧,那样的话
  [01:18.92]Let me get you back to the hotel. 我还是带你们回酒店吧
  [01:24.16]Maybe we can just go in for a little while. 也许我们可以进去一小会儿
  [01:30.96]Sun is shining 太阳正闪耀
  [01:31.12]Sun is shining 太阳正闪耀
  [01:34.00]There's no need to sleep no more 还需要睡觉吗
  [01:36.28]Hi! Hi!
  [01:37.40]There you are! All right. 你们来了 好啊
  [01:39.16]Listen, how about we get you guys something dry to wear? 我们去找些干的衣服 给你们穿怎么样?
  [01:44.48]I'll have those dresses cleaned and sent over to your dad's, 我会叫人把衣服洗干净 送到你爸爸那儿去的
  [01:47.56]who is brilliant, by the way. 顺便说一下,他很有才气
  [01:48.12]I think he and I are gonna be pals. 我想我和他会成为搭档
  [01:51.20]Celebrity and superstition 名声和迷信
  [01:56.20]Whatever it takes to get some recognition 为了获得承认不惜一切代价
  [01:59.16]Just upstairs. 上楼
  [02:01.04]I don't see her, do you? 我没看见她,你呢?
  [02:04.72]No. 没有
  [02:04.92]Making you pay to feed the thoughts they 让你感觉他们...
  [02:07.00]We're in his clothes. 我们正穿着他的衣服
  [02:11.08]And in his bedroom. 在他的卧室里
  [02:14.88]Come on, Ella. Celebrate with me, please. 别这样,埃拉 和我一起庆祝吧
  [02:21.12]I want everything to be okay between us. 我想我们之间不应该存在 任何问题
  [02:23.08]And I do, too. 我想也是
  [02:26.20]You have to promise that you'll never lie to me again. 你该向我发誓 你不会再对我撒谎了
  [02:31.48]I do. I promise. 行啊 我发誓
  [02:32.68]I swear, Ella. I do. 我发誓,埃拉
  [02:35.32]You promise? 你发誓?
  [02:37.64]I do. 真的
  [02:40.92]Okay. OK
  [02:42.12]Come on, we're in his room. 快,我们在他的房间呢
  [02:43.08]Okay, then. OK,那么
  [02:45.08]What do you want to do? 你想做什么?
  [02:46.76]I don't know. 我不知道
  [02:49.48](Both laughing) (齐笑)
  [02:50.48]We're not done yet 我们还没完
  [02:51.04]Not going quietly into the night 不会安静的消失在夜色中
  [02:54.96]Not me and my friends 我和我的朋友都不会
  [02:56.32]We're not done yet 我们还没完
  [02:57.40]Not going quietly into the night 不会安静的消失在夜色中
  [03:02.00]Not me and my friends 我和我的朋友都不会
  [03:03.76]We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously 我们还没完 别太在意
  [03:07.36]It's just life, we'll win in the end 这就是生活 我们最终会赢的
  [03:23.28]We're not done yet 我们还没完
  [03:25.96]Not going quietly into the night 不会安静的消失在夜色中
  [03:27.04]Not me and my friends 我和我的朋友都不会
  [03:31.40]That is so gross. 这真粗俗
  [03:33.48]Carla! 卡拉!
  [03:35.80]Hey, Carla! 嘿,卡拉!
  [03:36.56]We've been looking for you. 我们一直在找你
  [03:42.04]Did you see her face? 看见她的表情了吗?
  [03:43.24]She looks really angry. 她看起来很生气
  [03:45.52]I know that look. 我很了解她
  [03:46.52]You know, life can be so randomly beautiful. 生活就是这样 充满着不可思议
  [03:49.52]Come on, girls! 来吧,女孩们
  [03:51.96]Girls, we've all got one 女孩们,我们都有了
  [03:57.56]Oh, my God! 哦,我的天
  [03:58.32]Special everywhere 这里到处都很特别
  [04:00.92]From New York 从纽约
  [04:02.64]To Hollywood 到好莱坞
  [04:04.10]It's ladies night 属于女人的晚上
  [04:08.52]And, girl, the feeling's good 女孩们 这感觉好极了
  [04:09.60]Oh, yes, it's ladies night 没错 属于女人的晚上
  [04:10.24]And the feeling's right 感觉好极了
  [04:14.44]Oh, yes, it's ladies night 没错 属于女人的晚上
  [04:16.44]Oh, what a night 哦,多好的夜晚
  [04:16.64]Oh, yes, it's ladies night 没错 属于女人的晚上
  [04:17.72]Oh, what a night 哦,多好的夜晚
  [04:20.24]And the feeling's right 感觉好极了
  [04:20.92]Oh, yes 哦,没错
  [04:23.40]My saviors. 我的保护神们
  [04:24.20]LOLA AND ELLA: Oh, my God. 洛拉和埃拉: 哦,我的天啊
  [04:27.80]Oh, it's Steve. 哦,是斯蒂夫
  [04:28.08]- It's Steve! - Hang on. - 是斯蒂夫! - 等等
  [04:29.88]Stu, I know you're really busy. 斯图,我知道你很忙
  [04:30.84]I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second. 我一直在想我 是否能和你谈上一小会儿
  [04:32.84]Why not? Be my guest. 为什么不? 你的我的贵宾
  [04:37.92]I can't believe I met you. 我不敢相信我见到你了
  [04:39.80]I mean, I can't believe I'm sitting here with the man 我不敢相信我正和 这个人做在一起
  [04:40.68]who wrote all those songs that made my spirit soar. 他写了那么多令我倍受鼓舞的歌曲
  [04:43.16]What were you thinking when you wrote 当你写这句歌词的时候你是怎么想的
  [04:46.56]"behind some doors people are waiting to sparkle"? “在某扇门后,有人正等着被点燃”
  [04:51.44]I have no idea. 我不知道
  [04:54.52]Life's a little foggy, a little soggy. 生活有些沉闷,有些迷茫
  [04:54.84]But you wrote it. 但这可是你写的
  [04:59.80]You know, that really said something to me. 那句歌词好像是在向我说些什么
