考试虫2004磨耳朵考研词汇 unit 6(在线收听


nod, the chairman nodded at me to continue.
noisy, the night was noisy with crackers.
nominal, his position as head of the firm is purely nominal.
nominate, he was nominated for the mayor.
nonsense have never heard such nonsense.
nor, she is not intelligent nor attractive.
normal, the normal temperature of the human being is 37 degrees.
notable, he is a notable for his work on inflation.
note, I noted the names of the undergraduates present in my notebook.
nothing but, it is nothing but a joke.
notice, I noticed a strange odor in the cafeteria.
noticeable, the surgery left a noticeable scar on his chin.
notify, the sale was notified in the newspaper.
notorious, he is notorious for his double dealing.
nourish, nourish yourself on healthy soups after illness.
novelty, the store sales novelties and decorative objects.
now and than, now and than we heard shots in the woods.
nuisance, what a nuisance! I lost my wallet.
number, the pages of the directory are numbered.
a number of, we have live here quite a number of years.
numerous, he knows a numerous acquaintance of politicians.


obedient, very few children are always obedient.
obey, everybody should obey the traffic rules.
object, however her parents objected to the marriage.
obligation, tenants have obligation to pay rent.
oblige, the law obliges citizens to pay taxes.
observe, we must observe the discipline in the dormitory.
obsolete, in the historical museum you can see obsolete lanterns, sewing machines, wooden warships etc.
obtain, the handbook can be obtained free upon application.
obvious, it’s an obvious lie.
on occasion professor smith is invited to the party of the students.
occupation, the united nations condemned the rebels’ occupation of the city.
occupy, the gymnasium is occupied.
occur, the actress' name just does not occur to me.
at odds with, they were at odds with each other over politics.
offend, the film offended the morals of the community.
offer, they offered up their lives to art and literature.
offset, Harry has to offset his small salary by living economically.
omit, you can omitted the last chapter.
all at once, all at once we heard a loud noise.
once and for all, I won't go.
onward, their help is necessary for our onward movement.
opaque, it’s an opaque liquid.
open, the movie opens with a murder.
opening, this marks the opening of a new era.
operate, the lift is operated by electricity.
operation, a difficult operation was performed on her kidney.
the new system has already gone into operation.
the law has been put into operation.
oppose, these treaties were opposed by senators.
opposite, idealism is opposite to materialism.
oppress, the dictator oppressed his people.
optical, I was given an optical exam to determine my range of vision.
optimistic, he remained optimistic about the future of mankind.
optional, geography, geology and geometry are optional subjects in this school.
orchestra, my uncle played violin in the central orchestra.
in order, a laboratory must be kept in good order.
the machine is out of order.
I soon put Jim’s bicycle in order.
ordinary, the prince wore an ordinary uniform.
organization, a tree is an organization of roots, truck branches, leaves, and fruits.
organize, he organized the workers into a trade union.
orient, my bedroom windows are oriented to the west.
oriental, she creates clothes both oriental and western influence.
originate, all genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
ornament, she ornamented her letter to princess with little drawing in the margin.
every other, we write dictation on every other line.
other than, I bought several disks other than pop music.
otherwise, he is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man.
ought, he oughtn't to have said that.
out of, we are nearly out of gasoline.
outer, the stars in outer space of solar system are very far away from us.
outline, he drew the outline of the skyscraper.
outlook, the outlook of private enterprise in china is bright.
output, the annual output of steel in this factory has increased by 20 percent.
outstanding, the physician is awarded the prize for his outstanding contribution to medicine.
overcome, the racket must develop enough power to overcome the force of gravity.
overestimate, we have overestimated the captain's ability.
overflow, the river overflowed.
overhaul, all the used cars we sell are completely overhauled.
overhear, I overheard the instructor's talk about me.
overlap, the tiles overlap.
overlook, they overlooked enormous risks involved.
overtake, it’s dangerous to overtake another car on a bend.
overthrow, basic physical phenomena was discovered in 1957 which overthrow the law of conservation of parity.
overwhelm, the mission was to seize the bridges and overwhelm the enemy.
owe, the theory of evolution owe its origin to Darwin.


pop, some difficult have just popped up.
portable, bring along your portable microcomputer.
pose, the porter posed as a professor.
positive, clockwise motion is positive.
possess, the poet possessed great wit.
post, the store posted prices on its shelves.
postpone, the sports meeting was postponed to next week because of rain.
potential, the boy has great potential.
practice, he never gets a chance to put his ideas into practice.
in practice workers do not work to satisfy their needs.
praise, the new film received high praise.
pray, the farmers are praying for rain.
preach, the new ministry will preach in the church.
preceding, in the preceding class we discussed verb tense.
precise, a scientist must be precise in experiment.
predict, the weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow.
predominant, wheat is predominant crop here.
prefer, polar bears prefer living in a cold climate.
preferable, poverty is preferable to illness.
preliminary, the preliminary estimate has been made.
prepare, the students are preparing for the end-term examination
prescribe, after the operation the surgeon prescribed some pain pills for the patient.
present, TV reporters present themselves as having prefect right to be anywhere.
at present Mr. Green is in London.
for the present, I can't remember for the present.
preserve, salt preserves food from decay.
preside, the judge presided at the trial.
press, his responsibilities press heavily upon him.
presume, an accused man is presume innocent until he is proved guilty.
pretend, he pretended not to know the facts.
prevail, reason prevail over emotion.
prevent, in such cases, precautions have to be taken to prevent damage to the mechanism.
previous, make full investigations previous to reaching a conclusion.
prey on, wolves preyed on the shepherd’s flock of sheep.
pride, they pride themselves in their superior learning.
primary, the peninsula's primary source of revenue was tourism.
primitive, space travel is still in a primitive stage.
principal, my grandfather used to be a principal of a large urban secondary middle school.
print, in last than a minute the machine tests the blood and print out the result.
prior, the contract will be signed prior to the ceremony.
priority, communication has become a priority interest.
privilege, students may enjoy the privilege of paying half of airline fares.
probable, this hypothesis is probable.
probe, we probe space with rockets and man-made satellites.
proceed, he proceeded to tell us that sad story.
process, they developed a new process of dyeing.
proclaim, a national holiday was proclaimed by the government.
produce, hard work often produces good results.
professional, this football players are professionals.
profile, the painter drew a profile of mountains.
profit, we have profited from experience of those who preceded us.
progress, much progress has been made in preventing and controlling oil pollution.
prohibit, the country has a law prohibiting employees from striking.
prolong, the delegation prolonged its visit.
promise, the prominent politician promised to support my proposal.
promote, the young officer was promoted to the position of captain.
prompt, lessons written in blood prompted the colonial people to armed opposition.
pronounce, the judge pronounced the sentence on the prisoner.
proof, can you give proof of your nationality?
proportion, his expenditure is not in proportion to his income.
propose, I proposed a toast to our friendship.
prosper, his team has always prospered in cup completion.
protect, the atmosphere protects the earth against the radiation.
protest, the students presented a protest against the rise intuition.
proud, we are proud of our old Chinese civilization.
provide, boilers are provided with safety valves.
provided, children may swim provided an adult accompanies.
provoke, oppression provoked the people to rebellion
public, she is too shy to speak in public.
publicity, film stars usually like publicity.
publish, the regulations were secret and were not published until last year.
pull down, they pulled down the old shop and built a supermarket.
pull in, the boat pulled in the shore at dawn.
pull off, help me to pull my sock off.
pull on, she pulled on her skirt.
pull out, the train pulled out.
pull up ,he pulled up his horse at the gate.
pump, he pumped the water from the well.
punch, he punched holes in a sheet of the metal.
punctual, the landlady asked us to be punctual in payment of our rent.
punish, the murder is punished by death.
purchase, this painting was purchased for one thousand dollars.
purify, the salt has been specially purified for use in medicine.
purpose, he did it on purpose just to annoy me.
pursue, the policeman are pursuing the robbers.
push, the army's push into enemy territory was successful.
put across, the speaker had a good knowledge of his subject, but couldn't put it across.
put aside, we’d better put some money aside for future use.
put away, put tools away after work.
put down, let me put down what you said.
put forward, don’t hesitate to put forward your criticisms and opinions about the exhibition.
put off, we have to put off our departure.
put on, the judge put on his black robe.
put out, they put out the fire with water.
put up, the inn can put up 200 people.
put up within can not put up with all this noise.
puzzle, the construction of the pyramids puzzled architects.

qualification, I agree, without qualification.
qualify, he is the least qualified to do the work.
quarrel, he quarreled about politics with George.
quarterly, is this journal a quarterly or monthly?
quench, I don't think juice can quench thirst.
queue, we queued up for our meal.
question, the guard questioned the validity of my identification.
quiet, mother quieted the frightened child.
quit, he has given his servant the notice to quit.
quiver, the dog quivered with cold.
quote, the judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.


rake, race, he raced his bicycle against motorcar.
rack, the cough seemed to rack his whole frame.
radical, his ideas are too radical for most of us to accept.
railroad, coal is railroaded southwards.
raise, the farmer's wife raises bulls, cows, chickens, ducks the gardener is raking the dead leaves.
