高级休闲英语Unit 3 Eating and Drinking(在线收听

[00:00.00]Unit 3 Eating and Drinking Task 1 Recipes
[00:12.91]第三单元  吃与喝  作业1 处方
[00:25.81]Exercise 1 Welcome to the first in a new series of cookery programmes
[00:28.75]欢迎来到新的系列烹饪  节目
[00:31.68]in which we ask different cooks to give you their favourite recipes.
[00:34.14]我们会让不同的厨师  给你做出他们最喜欢的  食物。
[00:36.61]You will obviously need to have a pen and paper ready to take down these recipes.
[00:39.44]很明显你需要一支钢笔  和纸,准备记录下这些  作法。
[00:42.26]First, we need to make sure that you know what the various cooking terms mean
[00:44.93]首先,我们需要确定  你知道多少不同的烹饪  术语
[00:47.59]that we plan to use in these recipes. So here are some definitions of the most commonly
[00:50.51]我们打算使用这些术语。  这里我们将使用的术语  大部分都是一般的说明
[00:53.42]used terms that we will use.First of all,
[00:56.98]to dice vegetables means to cut them into small cubes.
[01:01.88]To shred them means to slice them more finely using a very sharp knife or a coarse
[01:05.89]切碎它们意思是用非常  锋利的刀或是擦菜板将  它们切的比较细致,
[01:09.91]grater, you know the sort of appliance you use to grate coffee beans into powder.
[01:12.37]你知道有种器具可以把  咖啡豆变成粉末。
[01:14.84]To saute usually refers to vegetables, but possibly meat or fish as well.
[01:18.49]谈到蔬菜通常是炒,  但是也可能是肉或鱼。
[01:22.15]It means to fry quickly in hot fat, such as cooking oil or butter.
[01:24.99]意味着在热油里油炸,  象是烹饪油或是黄油。
[01:27.83]You have to stir it frequently to prevent it sticking to the pan.
[01:29.89]你必须经常搅拌,防止  它粘在锅里。
[01:31.94]Blending is something we often do to soups or sauces, or to fruit juices.
[01:35.18]加入一些我们经常做汤  用的东西或是酱油,或是  果汁。
[01:38.42]To blend means to puree, or turn to a thick liquid, in a liquidizer,
[01:41.85]混合成浓汤,或是在  榨汁机里变成浓浓的  液体,
[01:45.29]which is an electrical appliance for this purpose.
[01:47.04]这个电器用品有这个  用途。
[01:48.78]To blanch involves plunging food into boiling water, usually very quickly.
[01:52.11]漂白是将食物放进开水  里,通常非常快。
[01:55.44]This is normally done to preserve its natural colour,
[01:57.60]这是通常的作法来保持  自然的颜色,
[01:59.76]to remove a flavour which is too strong or to soften the texture of the food.
[02:02.95]改变太强的味道或是  让食物的质感变软。
[02:06.13]To marinate means to soak food, often meat or fish, in a blend of liquids such as oil,
[02:10.22]浸泡食物通常是肉或  是鱼,在一种混合的  液体里,象是油,
[02:14.31]vinegar or lemon and seasonings to give it flavour or to make it more tender.
[02:17.60]醋或是柠檬调料,让  食物入味或是变得更  嫩。
[02:20.89]And finally, to 'top and tail' refers to vegetables such as beans or radishes,
[02:24.35]最后,“头和尾”是指  象是豆类或是萝卜的  蔬菜,
[02:27.81]for example. It means to trim them at each end, cutting off the stalks,
[02:30.18]例如。在每一端都要  修整,把茎去掉,
[02:32.56]leaves, roots, and other parts of the plant that you don't want to eat.
[02:35.24]去掉叶子,根和其他  你不想吃的地方。
[02:37.92]Now let's get onto the recipes for today.
[02:39.61]现在我们进入今天的  菜单。
[02:41.30]Exercise 2 Cream of Leek Soup Our first recipe is from the medal-winning
[02:53.71]练习2 奶油韭菜汤  我们的第一道菜是来自  获奖厨师
[03:06.13]chef, Gaston Leclerc, whose delicious dishes you can taste at the Ritz Hotel in London.
[03:09.22]Gaston Leclerc,你  可以在伦敦的里兹大饭店  品尝到他美味的菜肴。
[03:12.32]This is a very simple soup, which Gaston says is suitable for a cold winter day.
[03:15.29]这是一道非常简单的  汤,加斯顿说它适合  冬天喝。
[03:18.26]It's Cream of Leek Soup.First of all, here are the ingredients.
[03:21.05]这是奶油韭菜汤。首先,  是原料。
[03:23.84]So, get your pen and pencil ready.Two large leeks ... one small potato ...
[03:26.79]所以,拿起你的笔准备。  两根大韭菜.. .一个小  马铃薯
[03:29.74]one medium-sized carrot ... one ounce (or 25 grams) of butter ...
[03:32.53]一个中型的胡萝卜... 一盎司的黄油...
[03:35.32]two pints (or 1.2 litres) of vegetable stock ...
[03:39.64]this can be made from the water in which you have boiled other vegetables,
[03:41.96]这样可以在你煮其他  蔬菜的时候,放在这里,
[03:44.28]drained and kept cool in a fridge ... salt and pepper to taste ...
[03:46.32]排出水分或在冰箱里  制冷... 盐和胡椒粉
[03:48.35]and finally a quarter of a pint (or 142 millilitres) of cream.
[03:50.85]最后是1/ 4品脱的奶油。
[03:53.35]Now you have all your ingredients ready, we are ready to start cooking!
[03:55.91]现在你准备好了所有的  材料,我们开始烹饪
[03:58.46]Exercise 3 First chop the onion, dice the potato and shred the leeks into
[04:03.70]练习3 首先切碎洋葱,将马铃薯  切成小块,将韭菜切成  细段。
[04:08.94]thin strips. Then melt the butter in a large saucepan and saute the onions
[04:12.00]然后在一个大锅内将油  熔化,炒洋葱
[04:15.06]until they are transparent. Then add the other vegetables and saute them for a
[04:18.17]直到它们变为透明色。  然后加入其他的蔬菜,
[04:21.29]few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the stock,bring it to the boil,
[04:24.00]一起炒几分钟,加原料,  达到沸点,
[04:26.72]then reduce the heat, cover it with the saucepan lid and
[04:28.45]然后减小火力,将锅盖  盖上
[04:30.18]simmer the mixture on a low heat for 20 minutes.
[04:33.02]Allow it to cool slightly before blend- ing in small amounts in a liquidizer.
[04:35.43]在放入榨汁机前先让  它凉一些。
[04:37.84]Return it to the saucepan and add salt and pepper to taste.
[04:40.44]放回锅里加入盐和胡  椒粉。
[04:43.03]Stir in the cream and reheat to serving temperature without boiling.
[04:45.73]搅拌奶油,不用煮加热  到合适的温度。
[04:48.43]Exercise 4 Carrot Cake The next recipe was given to us by, Kay Canter,
[04:52.98]练习4 胡萝卜蛋糕  第二道菜是Kay Canter  做给我们的,
[04:57.53]one of the founders of the health food restaurant Cranks.
[04:59.10]Cran k饭店健康食物的  创始人之一。
[05:00.67]This is one of her favourites and one of the most popular dishes in her
[05:03.10]这是她最喜欢,饭店最  受欢迎的菜之一。
[05:05.53]restaurant. It is the ever-popular Carrot Cake.
[05:07.24]这是永远流行的胡萝卜  蛋糕。
[05:08.95]So, have your pens ready and here we go-with the ingredients.
[05:11.52]拿好你的笔,准备记下  原料了。
[05:14.09]First of all you need six ounces or 175 grams of carrots ... two eggs ...
[05:17.84]首先,你需要 6盎司或  是17 5克的胡萝卜... 两个鸡蛋...
[05:21.58]four ounces or 100 grams of brown sugar ... three fluid ounces
[05:24.35]四盎司或是10 0克的  红糖.. .三盎司
[05:27.12]or 75 millilitres of oil ... four ounces or 100 grams of wholemeal self-raising flour ...
[05:31.03]或是75毫升的油... 四盎司或是10 0克自发  面粉
[05:34.94]one teaspoon or five millilitres of ground cinnamon ...
[05:37.01]一茶匙或者五毫升的  肉桂...
[05:39.07]half a teaspoon or 2.5 millilitres of ground nutmeg ...
[05:41.74]半茶匙或2. 5毫升肉豆蔻
[05:44.40]and two ounces or 50 grams of desiccated coconut.
[05:46.49] 2盎司或50克的椰子粉。
[05:48.58]Now this cake has an icing on top and here are the ingredients for the Orange Icing.
[05:51.73]现在这个蛋糕上有一块  糖,这是橘子糖。
[05:54.88]One and a half ounces or 40 grams of butter ... three ounces or 75 grams of brown sugar..
[05:58.37]1. 5盎司或40黄油,3 盎司或75红糖
[06:01.86]grated rind of half an orange.., and finally, one ounce or 25 grams of chopped walnuts.
[06:05.50]剥掉皮之后的橘子... 最后, 1盎司或25的碎  胡桃。
[06:09.13]Exercise 5 Now for the recipe. First, grease and line a seven-inch
[06:13.33]练习5 现在针对这个处方。首先  ,在 7英寸
[06:17.52](or 18 cm) square cake tin. Then finely grate the carrots.
[06:20.09]正方形蛋糕容器上涂上  油脂。然后细微地做  胡萝卜。
[06:22.67]Whisk the eggs and sugar together until they are thick and creamy.
[06:25.13]将鸡蛋和糖一起搅拌,  直到变稠,变成奶油色。
[06:27.60]Then whisk in the oil slowly, then add the remaining ingredients
[06:29.92]然后慢慢地倒油,加入  剩余的材料
[06:32.24]and mix them together to combine evenly. Spoon the mixture into the cake tin.
[06:34.91]均匀地混合在一起。用  勺子将混合物放入蛋糕  容器中。
[06:37.57]Level the surface and bake in the oven at 190 degrees Centigrade for twenty to twenty-
[06:41.21]将表面弄平,放在烤箱  里以19 0度的温度烤25  分钟,
[06:44.84]five minutes, until it is firm to the touch and golden brown. Cool it on a wire tray.
[06:47.85]直到表面变得坚固,  呈现金黄色。在金属  盘子里放凉。
[06:50.85]Cream the icing ingredients together. Then spread the orange icing over the cake
[06:53.97]奶油和糖一起展开。  然后在蛋糕上涂上橘子 糖
[06:57.08]when it is cold.Well, we hope you enjoy those two recipes.
[06:59.87]当它凉的时候。我们  希望你会喜欢这两个  处方。
[07:02.66]We'll give you more delicious dishes next week, so until then, Happy Eating!
[07:05.67]下周,我们将带来更多  美味的菜肴,到那时,吃  的开心
[07:08.67]Task 2 Which Beer? Exercise 2
[07:19.94]作业2 哪种啤酒?  练习2
[07:31.21]So, Xiao Liu, this is your first time in Britain, I hope you're enjoying it.
[07:33.42]小刘,这是你第一次来  英国,我希望你会喜欢。
[07:35.63]Oh, yes, of course. And this is my first visit to a British pub!
[07:37.13]哦,是的,当然喜欢。  这是我第一次参观英国  的酒馆
[07:38.62]Ah, well, we must celebrate that. What would you like to drink?
[07:40.86]那我们肯定要庆祝一下。  你想要喝什么?
[07:43.09]I'd like a beer,please .Well, as you can see,
[07:45.37]我想要啤酒。象你所  看到的,
[07:47.66]there are many different types of beer in the pub,
[07:49.01]这里有许多不同种类的  啤酒,
[07:50.36]so you'll have to be more specific than that.
[07:53.13]But ... I don't know these makes of beer. We don't have them in China.
[07:55.54]但是,我不知道这些  啤酒的构造,在中国  没有这些。
[07:57.95]Can't you suggest a good one?Well, that's a matter of personal taste
[08:00.37]你能推荐一个不错的吗?  那是一种个人的感觉
[08:02.78]and what I like might not be so good for you .Well, which one do you drink?
[08:05.71]我喜欢的不一定适合你。  你喝哪种?
[08:08.64]I drink bitter.And is it really bitter? Yes, it is a little.
[08:11.20]我喝苦的。真的苦吗?  是的,有一点。
[08:13.76]Foreigners to Britain often don't like it for that reason.
[08:15.66]到英国来的外国人通常  不喜欢。
[08:17.57]It's a medium type of beer ... er, a medium brown colour,
[08:19.93]这是一种中等啤酒,褐色  的,
[08:22.29]sort of like the colour of black tea. Oh, and another thing that foreigners don't
[08:25.28]象黑茶一样的颜色。  另一件外国人不喜欢的  事情是,
[08:28.26]like, it's served at room temperature, not chilled.
[08:29.61]它只提供常温的,没有  凉的。
[08:30.96]So, it's sort of warm? Well, that's what non- British people call it.
[08:33.93]是常温的?那是非英国  人点的。
[08:36.90]I think you might prefer a lager. What's that? It's a light beer..,
[08:39.21]我想你或许更喜欢熟  一点的啤酒。那是什么?  这是轻啤酒...
[08:41.51]very light in colour, and it is usually served cold.
[08:43.29]非常浅的颜色,通常  提供凉的。
[08:45.07]That sounds more like the sort of beer we have in China.
[08:45.45]那听起来更象是我们  在中国喝的啤酒。
[08:45.83]But I see there is 'ale', what exactly is that?
[08:48.20]但是我看到这里有淡色  啤酒,那是什么?
[08:50.58]Well, ale is what the British have traditionally called beer.
[08:52.52]al e是英国人传统上点  的啤酒。
[08:54.47]Then there's also pale ale,which is a light beer,
[08:56.18]那么这里也有pale ale,  一种轻啤酒,
[08:57.89]but not quite as light as lager. We also have 'real ale'.
[08:59.88]但是没有熟啤酒轻。  我们也有real ale。
[09:01.88]Oh dear, this is get- ting really confusing. What is real ale?
[09:04.69]哦,天阿,这真的越来  越乱了。real ale是  什么?
[09:07.50]It's beer that has been brewed in the traditional Way,
[09:11.42]with no artificial chemicals ... just natural ingredients...
[09:13.24]没有人工的成分,只是  天然材料
[09:15.06]and using the traditi- onal machinery,not the large-scale machines
[09:14.56]用传统的机器,而不是  大规模的机器
[09:14.06]that are used in the modem breweries. It tastes much better.., more natural ...
[09:16.11]那些在现代酿酒厂里  使用的。味道更好,更  自然
[09:18.16]and it also costs a lot more.It's the drink for someone
[09:20.28]也更贵一些。这是为  那些
[09:22.41]who really knows his beer and can feel the difference.Well,that's not for me.
[09:24.57]真正了解啤酒,能感觉  到区别的人准备的。  而不是为我。
[09:26.73]Ah, I see there's an advert for Guinness. I've heard of that. It's an Irish beer,
[09:30.40]我看到这里有黑啤酒的  广告。我听说过。这是  爱尔兰啤酒,
[09:34.07]isn't it?That's right, but we call it stout. Why?
[09:36.12]对吗?没错,但是我们  称它为烈性啤酒。为什  么?
[09:38.17]What's the difference between stout and beer?
[09:41.23]Stout is almost black in colour and it's very thick. The head ...
[09:43.88]Stou t大部分是黑色的,  非常浓。
[09:46.53]that's the foam on the top...is really creamy and thick.
[09:48.56]在上面有泡沫.. .真的  是又浓又稠.
[09:50.59]It also tastes quite bitter.I once heard someone talking about shandy. What's that?
[09:54.30]尝起来也相当苦。我  曾经听人说到过shandy。  那是什么?
[09:58.01]Oh, that's not a drink for men! It's half beer, usually lager, and half lemonade.
[09:58.04]那不是为男人准备的  啤酒  一半的酒精,  一半的柠檬水。
[09:58.08]Okay, well I think I'd better play safe and have a lager, please. I recommend Beck's,
[10:01.41]好的,我想我最好选择  安全的熟啤酒。我推荐 Bec k‘s
[10:04.74]it's a German lager, which is usually the best.That sounds fine. Draught or bottle?
[10:07.69]是德国啤酒,通常是  最好的。听起来不错。  桶装或瓶?
[10:10.64]What does draught mean ?It's 'on tap', that means it's pumped up from a barrel in the
[10:14.26]桶装是指什么?从酒  桶里倒出来。
[10:17.88]bar.Okay, draught. Pint or half pint? What is usually drunk?
[10:21.64]好的,桶装啤酒。一达  还是半达?通常喝多少?
[10:25.40]Oh,a pint of course. That's just over half a litre.Right then,
[10:27.89]当然是一达。那只是  半升。那好
[10:30.37]I'll have a pint of draught Beck's larger, please.
[10:32.12]我要一达桶装的Beck  啤酒。
[10:33.86]Good,I'm getting quite a thirst now.Barman,a pint of draught Beck's
[10:36.67]好的,我现在相当渴。  一达桶装beck
[10:39.48]and a pint of draught bitter,please...(pause )...There you are,
[10:42.79]Xiao Liu,welcome to Britain and cheers! Cheers!
[10:44.97]小刘,欢迎你来英国。  干杯  干杯
