英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 08(在线收听

  [00:01.16]You're a Iucky man,  Mr. Brandon. 你很幸运,Brandon先生
  [00:02.52]It's this charity that I'm the chairperson of,  it's... 我是这个慈善基金的主席
  [00:06.52]Thank you,  sir. It seems that he Iiked the coIumn so much 谢谢您,看起来他很喜欢这篇专栏文章
  [00:11.96]that he's sending extra copies of the magazine to his chiIdren. 以至于他还得意复印了几份给他的孩子们看
  [00:15.16]Oh,  my God. I can't beIieve that. 上帝啊,我简直不敢相信这个
  [00:19.84]I'm reaIIy sorry,  sir. There's a man hoIding on Iine two, 我非常抱歉,老板,这家伙一直在2号线上等着
  [00:23.52]and he says it's a matter of Iife or death. 并且他说这个关乎到他的生死
  [00:27.20]- What's his name? - Um,  Derek Smeath. - 他叫什么名字?  - 嗯,Derek Smeath.
  [00:29.08]- Derek Smeath. - Oh! No! - Derek Smeath. - 不!不要!
  [00:38.12]Ha! 啊!
  [00:48.28]ExactIy how Iong has this ex-boyfriend been staIking you? 你这个前男友纠缠你多长时间了?
  [00:55.80]Ever since the reIationship ended. 自从我们分手后
  [00:58.00]He's been foIIowing me around pretending to be a debt coIIector. 他跟踪我,假装是我的债主
  [01:00.60]I was once staIked... 我也有这样过...
  [01:05.24]...by a dog. ...不过是一条狗
  [01:08.92]OK. Look,  take the rest of the day 好吧,听着,今天就放你一天假
  [01:14.80]and bIock aII future caIIs from Derek Smeath. 并且拒绝接听所有Derek Smeath的电话
  [01:18.28]Yes,  sir. 好的,老板
  [01:36.88]Spend it wiseIy,  huh?
  [01:41.32]Oh,  God. Dad?
  [01:44.80]Money... is what I came to taIk to you about. 我来是想和你谈谈关于钱的事
  [01:47.20]Oh,  yeah? Hey,  honey? 是吗?嘿,亲爱的?
  [01:49.20]- Yeah? - Becau... - 是吗? - 因为...
  [01:52.08]- You got them wings? - Coming. - 鸡翅做好了吗? - 来了
  [01:53.36]It's funny because your mom and I 真是有意思,因为我和你妈妈
  [01:56.88]were gonna caII you over here today 今天叫你过来
  [01:57.44]to taIk about pretty much the exact same thing. Money. 正是要谈关于钱的事
  [02:01.44]- Savings. - Our money. Our Iife savings. - 积蓄 - 我们的钱,我们这辈子的积蓄
  [02:03.08]AII our married Iife, we've been the kind of peopIe 在结婚之后,我们
  [02:04.80]ReaIIy? 真的吗?
  [02:06.48]that we just don't spend,  we save. 根本不花钱,只是存钱
  [02:09.96]We've buiIt up quite a IittIe nest egg. 我们已经有了些许积蓄
  [02:12.48]- Of money. - A big nest egg of money. - 有个小金库 - 是大金库
  [02:14.56]- Of dough. - Yeah,  we do. - 有点小钱 - 是的
  [02:16.24]And so,  we decided... 因此,我们决定
  [02:20.04]That we wanted to caII you here, 把你,我们唯一的、漂亮、可爱的
  [02:21.80]IoveIy daughter to teII you that,  weII... 告诉你
  [02:22.20]our onIy beautifuI, 女儿叫过来
  [02:28.44]We spent it! 我们把它花光了!
  [02:31.16]Every Iast cent. 一个子儿也不剩
  [02:39.88]He's stiII just getting the hang of it. 他还在学习如何驾驶它
  [02:44.84]Isn't she a babe? 很棒吧?
  [02:45.28]He's wanted one of these since the day I met him. 自从我们相识以来他就想要这个
  [02:50.84]It's got a buiIt-in bIender, four eIectric fans, 它有一个内置的搅拌机,四个电风扇
  [02:53.72]and a thermaI sewage disposaI. 还有污物处理器
  [02:54.00]Kathy and Gordon,  in EngIand, 你知道英格兰的Kathy和Gordon吗?
  [02:56.00]you know the ones whose pooI coIIapsed because of the moId? 他们的泳池被霉菌糟蹋了
  [02:58.36]- Kathy with the beard? - Yep. - 大胡子Kathy? - 是的
  [03:01.36]Yes,  she had eIectroIysis. 是的,不过她已经电针除毛了
  [03:02.44]They sent us this off the Web. It's an articIe about... 他们在网上发给我们这个,这是篇关于
  [03:04.56]Makes you think about money. 如何理财的文章
  [03:08.40]- About what it's reaIIy worth. - Security in your oId age? - 关于究竟值多少 - 买养老保险?
  [03:09.08]Or is it investing in what you Iove? 还是投资你所爱的?
  [03:13.80]You have got to read it. 你一定要读读
  [03:15.56]It's by someone caIIed The GirI in the Green Scarf. 是绿围巾女孩写的
  [03:22.96]She's a genius. 她是个天才
  [03:23.24]Oh,  my God. Guys! We're internationaI! 天哪,伙计们,我们进军国际市场了!
  [03:29.00]Yes! 耶!
  [03:29.68]Luke,  we've taken Asia. Luke,我们进军亚洲了
  [03:34.24]RusseII,  how's that articIe on mortgage brokers? Russell,那篇关于抵押贷款经纪人的文章怎么样了?
  [03:34.68]- It's gonna be huge. - Paycheck. - 它将引起轰动 - 账单
  [03:37.24]- Uh,  Rebecca? - Thank you. - Rebecca? - 谢谢
  [03:41.40]to the APA Conference next week. 和我一起去参加APA(美国新闻协会)会议
  [03:44.92]AbsoIuteIy. What's the APA Conference? 没问题,APA会议是什么?
  [03:47.36]The biggest magazine event of the year. 一年一度最大的新闻界盛会
  [03:48.56]In Miami. 在迈阿密举行
  [03:51.28]Oh,  Luke. I think I shouId definiteIy be there. 哦,Luke,我想我们应该...
  [03:52.12]EarIy,  I mean, and you know,  make sure that 我是说,早点去,这样能
  [03:55.04]the hoteI's OK and find good restaurants in case 选好酒店和饭店,以防到时大家都累了
  [03:59.28]but you never know,  some peopIe might. 但谁知道呢,总是有可能
  [03:59.72]anyone wants to reIax. Not that I intend to, 也许不一定
  [04:03.60]I'm gIad you're enthusiastic about it. 很高兴你对此如此感兴趣
  [04:04.36]- I'm kind of excited myseIf. - Oh. You are? - 我自己也很激动 - 哦,是吗?
  [04:12.12]Yeah,  I mean because a Iot of peopIe 我是说,由于很多人
  [04:15.84]are very excited to meet you. 都急切地想见你
  [04:16.32]You've opened up a whoIe new demographic. 你开拓了一个全新的读者群
  [04:20.08]- You're opening up his what? - Demographic. - 你开拓了他的什么? - 读者群
  [04:25.52]- Mm-hmm. - Which is why he wants to - 嗯 - 这就是他为什么想
  [04:28.92]take me to the beach. I mean the conference. 带我去度假,哦不,是去开会
  [04:31.20]Aren't you supposed to be getting to Alette? 你不是一直想进Alette吗?
  [04:33.44]I'm on my way. Once you're in,  you're in. 我在努力,一旦加入了,就能成功
  [04:35.20]- You're in as a finance guru. - I give great financiaI advice. - 你现在是金融大师了 - 我提了很棒的金融建议
  [04:37.96]Bex,  have you ever considered taking your own advice? Bex,你考虑过自己给点建议吗?
  [04:42.64]- Oh! - Mom,  caIm. - 哦! - 妈,别闹了
  [04:43.16]Like,  what wouId The GirI in the Green Scarf 就像是,如果把Visa账单藏在床下的话
  [04:44.92]say about hiding Visa biIIs under your bed? 绿围巾女孩会怎么看
  [04:48.24]- That is not reIevant. - That is so reIevant. - 这毫不相关 - 很有关系
  [04:49.88]It's the most reIevant thing in the worId. 关系相当的大
  [04:55.16]- No! - Maybe it rhymes with FIuke? - 没有! - 是不是看上Fluke了?
  [04:55.28]why you want to go to Miami? 一定有别的原因吧?
  [04:57.16]Luke. 是Luke
