英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 16(在线收听

  [00:05.44]Because when I shop, the worId gets better. 因为当我购物的时候,世界更加美好
  [00:09.92]The worId is better. 世界确实变得更美好了
  [00:14.92]And then it's not anymore. And I need to do it again. 然后就没有了,所以我必须继续购物
  [00:24.84]WeII,  what about honesty? 你的诚信呢?
  [00:29.76]What about credibiIity? 信用呢?
  [00:32.92]WeII,  I wanted to teII you, 我本想告诉你
  [00:33.72]but I onIy took the job to get to Alette. 我找现在这份工作是为了进Alette
  [00:49.52]WeII,  I wish you aII the best with that. 我希望你美梦成真
  [00:51.80]Luke,  I'm so sorry. Luke,我错了
  [00:51.96]No,  no. I understand. The whoIe thing was a Iie. 不,不,我明白 所有的一切都是谎言
  [00:59.32]That absoIuteIy makes sense. 现在终于明白了
  [01:18.24]* You're breaking my heart You're tearing it apart ∮ 你伤了我的心,你将它撕碎 ∮
  [01:22.68]* Woo, woo ∮ 呜,呜 ∮
  [01:25.16]* Now I've gone insane ∮ 现在我已经发疯了 ∮
  [01:30.44]* And you're breaking my glasses, too, OK? ∮ 你把我的眼镜也打碎了,好吗? ∮
  [01:33.44]Is she wearing my bridesmaid's dress? 她穿的是我的伴娘裙吗?
  [01:36.04]Suze! Suze!
  [01:40.32]That,  I can absoIuteIy expIain! 听我好好给你解释!
  [01:41.20]OK! ExpIain. 好,解释吧
  [01:48.68]Oh... 哦...
  [01:49.52]ExpIain! 快解释呀!
  [02:03.08]Suze! Suze!
  [02:04.56]Mr. West. I Iike Luke Brandon. West先生,我很喜欢Luke Brandon
  [02:08.92]But it wouId seem on recent evidence,  Mr. Brandon 但就现在的情况来说,Brandon先生
  [02:14.28]aIIowed his objectivity to Iapse. 已经失去了对于事态足够的把握能力
  [02:19.68]Mr. Brandon? Brandon先生?
  [02:24.72]Rebecca BIoomwood... Rebecca Bloomwood...
  [02:33.40]Rebecca BIoomwood was the most vivacious, Rebecca Bloomwood是我见过的最活泼的
  [02:37.68]funny,  inspiring woman I have ever met. 最有意思的,最能催人上进的女孩
  [02:44.40]And she Iived a Iie. We know that now. 而她却生活在谎言之中 我们都已经了解
  [02:50.08]But what she wrote in her coIumns was the truth. 但她在她专栏里写的东西却是事实
  [02:56.96]She had a voice. 她引起了一种共鸣
  [02:58.44]She spoke to peopIe who never beIieved 她的文字使那些不懂金融的人能够理解
  [03:02.44]that they couId understand, and who Ioved it when 并渐渐爱上她的文章
  [03:03.20]they found that they couId. And I Ioved it. 而且我也很喜欢她写的东西
  [03:13.24]Rebecca BIoomwood Iet me down. 虽然Rebecca BIoomwood让我失望了
  [03:20.92]But the GirI in the Green Scarf never did. 但是那个戴绿丝巾的女孩永远也不会
  [03:31.80]As for you,  if Luke Brandon and his attitude 对你而言,如果Luke Brandon和他的观念
  [03:37.20]aren't fitting in at Dantay-West, 不适合Dantay-West
  [03:40.96]there's reaIIy onIy ever one soIution. 那么只有一种解决方案
  [03:48.52]Maybe we shouId start a new magazine. 或许我们需要创办一本新的杂志
  [03:51.40]A magazine driven pureIy by the voices of its writers. 一本能够充分展现作者心声的杂志
  [03:56.88]A part of the company, but outside the gates,  you know? 隶属于公司但是另立门户,明白吗?
  [04:02.44]Yeah,  sounds... Sounds great. 好,听起来... 很不错
  [04:03.96]Yeah. It's unexpected,  but,  you know. 真是出人意料,但是,你...
  [04:06.12]You have drive, Mr. Brandon,  and vision. Brandon先生你有动力也有眼光
  [04:12.32]I've been impressed. 我很欣赏
  [04:14.76]Oh,  it'II be tough going to start, 开始时可能非常困难
  [04:15.76]but that's the way Cy and I buiIt this company. 但是都得经历这个阶段 就像我和Cy在创始这个公司的初期
  [04:18.96]On the day that we put that sign up over the door,  Dantay-West. 我们将Dantay-West这个标牌挂在门上的那一天
  [04:26.80]That was when we knew that we'd made the right decision. 我们明白了我们做出了正确的决定
  [04:30.88]So here's to our new venture. 所以现在是时候开创新纪元了
  [04:36.56]WeII,  I,  um. I can't... 我,恩,我不能...
  [04:39.24]I cannot beIieve it. I'm going to kiII her. 我无法相信,我要去杀了她
  [04:45.20]Mr. West,  when you put that sign above the door, West先生当你将那铭牌挂在门上的时候
  [04:48.40]you wanted to make your name in the worId,  didn't you? 你很想出名,是吗?
  [04:52.88]- Oh,  more than anything eIse. - So do I. - 对,比任何东西都渴望 - 我也是
  [05:00.48]Sweetie,  she's gonna be fine. 亲爱的,她会没事的
