礼仪英语 lesson5(在线收听

  Lesson 5
  Booking Rooms in a Hotel
  Key Sentences(重点句子)
  90.A single room with a bath, if possible.
  91.Would you please book a room for 3 days, beginning from April 1st?
  92.We qualify for a corporate rate at your hotel.
  93.If you have two single rooms, so much the better.
  94.We would like the rooms close together.
  95.I'd like you to know that these visitors may become our important customers.
  96.Are there any beds vacant?
  97.Have you a double room for tonight?
  98.Can I book a single room with a private bath for this weekend?
  99.Have you got a room overlooking the sea?
  100.What sundry services does the hotel offer?
  101.What if I've to send something to the laundry?
  102.How much is a room for one night?
  103.How much is boarding and lodging per day?
  104.Is there a reduction for children?
  105.What's the price difference between a double room and a twin room?
  106.It's nice to hear your voice again.
  107.Any other requirements?
  Dialogue A
  (The president of China National Silk Imp.& Exp. Corp. received the fax reply to his invitation of a British trade delegation to visit China. The telephone says that will be arriving at Hangzhou airport on November 17, 2001, on British Airlines, flight No.376. They'll need seven suites in a starred hotel.
  The president Wei asks the manager of the Public Relations Department, Mr. Guan, to do the preparations for arrival of the guests.
  Mr.Guan picks up the telephone and dials Wset Lake Hotel. He gets through. Mr. Guan hears the voice of the Reservations Clerk.)
  (A:Mr.Guan;B:reservation clerk)
  B:Good morning. West Lake Hotel Corporate Resenrvations.May I help you?
  A:Good morning. This is Guan Zhongfei calling from China National Silk Imp. & Exp. Corp.
  B:Oh,Mr.Guan. It's nice to hear your voice again. What can I do for you?
  A:We have important guests visiting us from England.I'd like to book seven standard suites for there weeks, beginning from November 17.
  B:November 17? Let me see. Oh, Mr.Guan, I'm so sorry,but our hotel is fully booked in November.
  A:I'm sorry to hear that. As you know, our company qualifies for corporate rate on all accommodation at the West Lake.You are the first I telephoned.
  B:Yes,Mr.Guan, I am aware of that. I'm terrible sorry. But shall Irecommend to you another hotel taht won't be full?How about the Hangzhou Hotel? There you can also enjoy good service and corporate rate on the caaommodation.
  A:It's very kind of you to do so. Thank you very much. I'll try. Good-bey!
  Dialogue B
  (Mr. Guan picks up the phone and dials the Hangzhou Hotel. He gets through and the Voice of the Reservations Clerk)
  (A:Mr.Guan; B:reservation clerk)
  B:Hello,this is Hangzhou Hotel. What can I do for you?
  A:Good morning. This is Guan Zhongfei from China Narional Silk Imp. & Exp. Corp. I'm the manager of the Public Relations Department. we have guests visiting us from England. I'd like to book seven standard suites for there weeks, beginning from November 17.
  B:Certainly, Mr. Guan, the reservation clerk in West Lake telephond me about it just a minute ago. What are your guests'names?
  A:The delegation will be headed by John Smith. Can I reserve the suites in his name? It is spelled J-O-H-N, S-M-I-T-H.
  B:Any other requirements?
  A:Oh,yes. For the conbenience of the visitors, their rooms should be arranged on the same floor.
  B:We will make sure they are. What's the name of the delegation?
  A:It's the British Textile Imp. & Exp. Corp. based in London. By the way, can we enjoy corporate rate on all accomdations?
  B:Yes, Mr. Guan. And I hope your guests will enjoy their stay at our hotel.
  A:Thank you very much. And please also hold the rooms for late arrival. Bye!
