怀旧时尚:Vintage clothing “古董衫”(在线收听


  Vintage clothing is a generic term for new or second hand garments originating from a previous era. The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology, as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for "old" clothes.
  Generally speaking, clothing which was produced before the 1920s is referred to as antique clothing and clothing from the 1920s to 1980 is considered vintage. Retro, short for retrospective, usually refers to clothing that imitates the style of a previous era.
  一般说来,上世纪二十年代以前出产的衣服被称为“古董衫(antique clothing)”,上世纪二十年代到八十年代期间的衣服则是“古着”(vintage),而仿照过去年代风格出产的衣服则被称为“怀旧衫(retro)”。
  Most vintage clothing has been previously worn, but a small percentage of pieces have not. Popular places to buy vintage clothing include charity-run second hand clothing shops, flea markets, antique markets, auctions, vintage clothing shops, textile or collectables fairs.