英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 13(在线收听

  [00:02.74]The Lord works in mysterious ways, Mrs. Collins. 上帝的行事必然有他的道理,柯林斯太太
  [00:05.90]Boy, does he ever. 真的吗?
  [00:30.18]There are more people gathered in this chamber than have ever been in this room before. 这是有史以来参庭人数最多的一次
  [00:33.74]Therefore, I ask you to refrain from demonstrations of any kind. 所以我想请你们稍微克制一下你们的举动
  [00:36.82]Tell the truth! Tell the truth! 告诉我们真相!告诉我们真相!
  [00:40.10]We are all here because we want to know the real facts in this case. 我们聚集在这里是因为我们都想知道事实的真相
  [00:43.98]And everybody is going to be heard if we have to sit here for a week. 我想一周之后,我们就能够知道事情的真相了
  [00:45.78]Mr. Thorpe, I don't see any members of the police commission. 索普先生,我怎么没有看到警察总署的人?
  [00:53.42]Are there any members of the police department in the room? 房间里有谁是警局的代表吗?
  [00:57.38]Is Chief Davis here? 戴维斯局长在吗?
  [01:01.46]Is Captain Jones here? 琼斯上尉来了吗?
  [01:02.94]Is there anybody here representing the police? 这里有谁是代表警察的吗?
  [01:05.78]Mrs. Collins, could you come across the street with me for just a moment? 柯林斯太太,请你和我一起到外面去下可以吗?
  [01:07.86]There's something I think you should see. 我想你应该看看这个
  [01:10.94]Well, I hate to call a recess before we've even started, 好吧,虽然我不希望在开庭前就要求中止
  [01:13.38]but I think a few phone calls are in order. 不过我想我得先打几个电话
  [01:18.46]The police decided it'd be best to keep this off the main docket 警察方面希望审判能够在非公开的场合进行
  [01:21.46]in order to avoid exactly the sort of chaos we have across the street. 以免出现街对面那样的混乱局面
  [01:37.98]Mrs. Collins. I'm Leanne Clay. 柯林斯太太 我是莉安·克雷
  [01:44.10]This is my husband, John. Hi. 这是我的丈夫,约翰 你好
  [01:44.78]I just wanted to pass along my sympathies. 我只是想表达我的同情
  [01:48.98]What we went through waiting to hear anything 我们以为自己儿子戴维的消息已经够糟糕了
  [01:51.78]about our son David was bad enough, now this. 结果现在
  [01:57.06]But what the police did to you, there was no call for that. 警察们对你的所作所为,实在是令人发指
  [02:01.22]No call at all. 太过分了
  [02:15.74]Please, be seated. Bailiff. 请大家都坐下 法警
  [02:31.86]Oh, hey. 哦,嘿
  [02:36.30]You got a lot of moxie, standing up to the police like that. 你真的很有胆量,敢跟这样的警察作对
  [02:45.58]The defendant will please rise. 请被告起立
  [02:51.90]Gordon Stewart Northcott, 高顿·斯图尔特·诺斯考特,
  [02:54.58]you've been charged with three counts of murder in the first degree, 你被指控犯有3宗一级谋杀
  [02:59.54]with an additional 17 counts under review by the district attorney's office. 另有17项未确认指控正在接受地区检察官的调查
  [03:03.62]How do you plea? 你可认罪?
  [03:06.74]Oh, not guilty, Your Honor. 我没有罪,法官大人
  [03:12.38]You may sit, Mr. Northcott. 诺斯考特先生,请坐
  [03:21.34]In light of the defendant's penchant for international travel, no bail will be set. 考虑到被告喜欢进行跨国旅行,所以不允许保释
  [03:26.34]This court will hear preliminary motions by tomorrow morning. 法庭会在明天造成听取初步动议
  [03:28.02]The boy, Walter Collins, 一名叫作沃特·柯林斯的男孩
  [03:29.18]was reported as missing, March 10, 1928. 在1928年3月10日失踪
  [03:34.46]We then instituted a nationwide search. 之后我们进行了全国性的搜索
  [03:36.26]On August 18th, we received a cable indicating that a boy 在8月18日,我们接到一个电话
  [03:40.30]matching his description was found in DeKalb, Illinois. 告知在伊利诺斯州,德卡博发现了一名 符合他外貌特征的男孩
  [03:45.30]Upon questioning, he admitted to being Walter Collins. 经过问讯,他承认自己是沃特·柯林斯
  [03:46.70]We then made arrangements for him to be transported back to California. 我们安排这个孩子坐火车回到了加利福尼亚
  [03:52.54]Where Mrs. Collins told you the boy was not her son. 之后柯林斯太太告诉你说那个男孩不是她的儿子
  [03:56.66]Yes. She denied his identity 是的,她拒绝承认
  [03:58.02]in spite of all of the evidence pointing to the contrary. 而各项证据都证明这孩子是她的儿子
  [04:01.30]But, as subsequent events have demonstrated, 但是后来的种种迹象表明
  [04:05.10]she was correct. 她说的是对的
  [04:07.74]So, what prompted you to send her 那么,出于什么原因
  [04:09.46]for psychological evaluation? 你要将她送去接受心理检查呢?
  [04:10.26]Whether or not this was in fact the correct boy 这个孩子是不是她的孩子
  [04:11.46]was not relevant to my decision. 和我的决定没有关系
  [04:15.82]She was often cool and aloof and unemotional, 她表现的很冷酷,淡漠,面无表情
  [04:15.90]Throughout this period, she acted strangely. 在那段时间里,她的行为十分怪异
  [04:21.26]especially when confronted with the boy we found in DeKalb 特别是面对我们在德卡博找到的男孩时
  [04:24.18]and in our subsequent conversation. 以及在我们后续的交谈中
  [04:26.74]It was because of her 她的种种奇怪表现
  [04:28.42]disturbing behavior that I submitted her for observation 所以我同意将她送去洛杉矶综合医院
  [04:32.50]to the psychopathic ward of Los Angeles County General Hospital. 在精神病院接受看护
  [04:37.46]You snap your fingers and an innocent woman 你只不过打了个响指
  [04:37.98]Just like that. 就这么一下
  [04:40.54]is thrown into the psycho ward! 就把一个无辜的女人丢进了精神病院!
  [04:41.58]She wasn't thrown. Every family in this state is in grave danger - 不是被强制的 - 如果任何一个警察上尉
  [04:46.22]when a police captain can take a woman into his office 都可以用职权 在5分钟内将一个刚进入他办公室的女人
  [04:49.62]have her thrown into the psychopathic ward on his own authority! 恐怕这个州的每一个家庭正受到这潜在的威胁
  [04:50.14]and five minutes later 强制送进精神病院的话
  [04:51.86]She wasn't thrown. 她不算是被强迫的
  [04:54.70]She wasn't thrown! She wasn't thrown! 我们没有强迫她! 她不算是被强迫进去的!
  [04:58.74]What was that, Captain? 那是怎么样的呢?队长?
  [04:59.74]She wasn't thrown. She was escorted. 我们没有强制遣送她 她是被护送入院的
