最新版雅思听力指南 Listening Test5-section2(在线收听

[00:00.00]Section 2  You are going to hear a tape recording of instructions
[00:09.33]and advice which a woman named Carol has left for her friend Janet,
[00:12.90]who is going  to take care of her house and pets while she is away.
[00:18.10]First,look at questions 13 to 18.
[00:23.69]As you listen to the tape,answer questions 13 to 18.
[00:33.59]I am so grateful that you'll be taking care of the house and pets while I am away.
[00:40.10]I really owe you. Here is what you need to know to take care of the house.
[00:46.89]Actually,there isn't much you need to do
[00:51.38]because I've a maid who comes every Tuesday morning to clean the house.
[00:57.36]So that'll be Tuesday 14th Tuesday 21st,Tuesday 28th and Tuesday 5th.
[01:05.88]Her name is Maria Sanchez.
[01:09.67]she's about 1.70 meters tall and has dark curly hair.
[01:15.47]She usually comes at around 9 in the morning.
[01:20.38]So if you hear a knock at the door, it's probably her.
[01:25.37]She does an absolutely fabulous job.
[01:29.68]She will dust all the cupboards  and shelves,and vacuum and mop the floor.
[01:35.69]She should also scrub both the kitchen and the bathrooms.
[01:40.78]If you choose,she will take your laundry to the cleaners first thing
[01:46.58]and then fetch it before she leaves.
[01:50.79]If you decide to have her take your clothes to be cleaned,
[01:55.57]just leave them on the blue chair by the front door
[02:00.24]either Monday night or Tuesday  morning
[02:04.32]before Maria arrives 35 pounds should be enough for her to pay the laundry bill;
[02:12.00]my bill is  usually around 28 pounds.
[02:16.31]Now about the pets.
[02:19.49]I am sure you have already met my dog.
[02:23.78]His name is Butch.
[02:26.89]And my cat.Her name is Princess.
[02:30.99]They are both quite friendly,so don't be afraid of them.
[02:35.79]Especially Butch,he is much nicer than he looks.
[02:41.28]Now,Butch needs to go outside for a walk once a day.
[02:47.29]Please walk with him for about 45 minutes.
[02:51.89]This is all the exercise he gets,and he sure needs it.
[02:57.29]You can find Butch's food on the shelf on the right hand side of the kitchen sink.
[03:04.40]He usually eats about two cups every day.
[03:08.89]By the way,on Thursday 28th a new bag of food for Butch will arrive.
[03:16.18]But it is already paid for,
[03:19.65]so do not give the postman any money!
[03:24.15]As for Princess,she is very independent,
[03:28.85]so you don't have to worry much about her.
[03:32.64]Just fill her bowl with food whenever you notice that it is empty.
[03:39.14]Her food is in the same place  as Butch's food.
[03:44.05]Also,please be careful not to leave any windows or doors open.
[03:50.84]Last time a window was left open.
[03:54.74]Princess got outside and didn't come home for four days.
[04:00.43]So be careful.
[04:03.23]Also,on Wednesday 3rd could you give Princess a bath? Thanks.
[04:10.02]Questions 13-18 according to section 2 (1).13-18.
[04:12.03]Please use the words given below to complete the calender
[04:14.01]lift/maid/gardener /charity/dust/ paper bathe cat/dog food
[04:16.00]13.Tuesday 14th(  ) 14.Tuesday 21st(  ) 15.Tuesday 28th(  )
[04:17.99]16.Tuesday  5th(  ) 17.Thursday 28th(  ) 18.Wednesday 3rd(  )
[04:19.97]Section 2 (2) Carol:Well,Janet,I'm trying to think of what else to tell you.
[04:25.06]As you know,I will be visiting my sister Melody in Australia,for about a month.
[04:32.64]She just  had her first child last month.
[04:36.61]Can you believe it? She's my younger sister,
[04:41.00]but she's already married and having children.
[04:45.49]Why,I can remember when we were children ourselves.
[04:50.30]Time goes by so quickly.
[04:53.90]Anyway,I'll be staying with her and her husband at their home in Melbourne.
[05:00.51]If you need to reach me there,the phone number is 265,2256.
[05:07.91]It is also posted on the refrigerator.
[05:12.11]From the 27th to the 7th.I won't be in Melbourne.
[05:18.51]I am going to go to Sydney for a few days.
[05:22.72]I have tickets to see the famous Australian singer
[05:27.60]Adam Rickett perform at the Sydney Opera House.
[05:32.09]I really am looking forward to it.
[05:35.99]The Sydney Opera House is a very famous place,
[05:40.48]and I just absolutely adore Adam Rickett.
[05:45.39]I am so excited!
[05:48.68]Then,after that,I am going to travel to the north coast
[05:54.27]and do some scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.
[05:59.16]The Great Barrier Reef is one of largest living coral reefs in the world.
[06:06.86]I hear the fish that you can see while scuba diving are truly beautiful.
[06:13.76]They're salt-water tropical fish,
[06:18.25]so the colouring of their skins is extraordinary bright blues,
[06:24.05]greens,reds,purples,yellows and oranges.
[06:29.15]After that,I am going to go to the desert for a day or two.
[06:34.74]In Australia they call the desert the Outback
[06:39.93]I hope to see some real kangaroos!
[06:43.83]Finally,I will return to Melbourne on the 10th,to my sister's house.
[06:50.02]My flight from Sydney leaves on the 11th at 10 pm.
[06:55.61]I expect to be back in London on the 12th at around noon.
[07:02.09]If there are any emergencies with the house,
[07:06.16]simply press number 2 on the phone's memory dial,and the police will come.
[07:12.64]If anything should happen to Butch or Princess,
[07:17.55]there is a 24-hour pet hospital two blocks down the road on Elm St.
[07:24.24]That's about all.See you when I get home.
