AP 2011-11-22(在线收听

 1. Libyans are celebrating the capture of Muammar Gadhafi's son. Saif al-Islam was caught last night in Libya's southern desert. He was considered the heir apparent and was the only wanted member of the ousted ruling family to remain at large.

2. More than 500 people have been injured in clashes in Egypt. Fighting began when riot police tried to dismantle a protest camp in Tahrir Square.
3. Video has emerged of a tense standoff between police and occupy demonstrators at the university of California Davis. It shows an officer using pepper spray on a group of protesters who appear to be sitting passively on the ground with their arms interlocked.
4. Pope Benedict has traveled to Africa to deliver a special message to leaders there. He is telling them not to deprive the people of hope, and that no religion or culture can justify intolerance or violence.