CNN 2011-11-06(在线收听

 That is what each of the people running for the president wants to be.On the Democratic side,you have president Obama expected to get his party's nomination.On the Republican side,there're more than a half dozen people out on a campaign trail.Right now,they're working to stand out in their crowd.So they travel from state to state,and meet voters and they participate in debates.CNN is hosting 2 of those this month.When the calendar turns to 2012, that's when those primary caucuses start happening.Voters will cast their ballots for individuals.And you will see this field of candidates get smaller until one of them eventually becomes the official nominee ,the national convention in late August.

On this day in history, back in 1947,the Spruce Goose made its one and only flight.The flying boat was the largest aircraft ever built.It cost 23 million dollars.
One year later,in 1948,Harry Truman was re-elected as the US presidency .His victory over Thomas D is considered the biggest upset in presidential election history.
And in 2002,Russians and an American arrived at the International Space Station.They were the first crew of the ISS.They spent more than 4 months on the station.
The US military commander says the keys to his forces being successful are team work and the ability to react quickly to different threats.But he's not talking about troops in the field.His battle is online.R.S looks at some of the challenges the government has to deal with when warfare takes place on the virtual battlefield.
Is cyberspace a war zone?The US secretary of defense could not be more clear.
It's next pro-harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack.
There's heard to have been one serious attack.In 2008, an infected flash drive was inserted into a laptop on the US military base.A foreign spy agency has placed a malicious code on the drive.Secret data was transferred to foreign control.The Pentagon won't name the suspect country.
On the very day the Pentagon unveiled its plan for operarions in cyberspace,another breach revealed.
The single intrusion this past March, 24,00 files were taken.
Cyberspace is now full of attacks.Experts warned ,however,that hacking into a network or taking down in electronic power gird doesn't mean an automatic military response.
But if in the course of kncking down an electronic grid,people were to die,or you would knock out hospitals or you would knock out the ability to provide for services for people,then certainly,I think that would meet the definition of an act of war.
The new Pentagon strategy focuses on defending military assistant,crum theft and denial or disruption of service.Bu cyberspace has a particular attraction for attackers.
It would also, there's a fairly low cost of entering in this business,they don't have to have a massive military industrial complex.They actually build an office of capability and employ it.
And if they attack,they can remain largely anonymous,making it difficult to find and target them,becoming the enemy right on the computer screen.
R.S,CNN,the Pentagon.