CNN 2011-11-30(在线收听

 That's why the day after Thankgiving is called Black Friday. The start of the holiday shopping season and the time when a lot of companies hope to make up sales, to get in the black. This focus on racing to be part of it, a lot of stores offer deals to bring in the crowds. And _______ though there were some fightings among coustomers.  According to a company's track, shoppers Black Friday brought in an estimated sales of around 11.4 billion dollars. That's a big jump from last year, but the experts also said it is just one day there is no garentee that the strong sales will last through the holiday shopping season. But they are expected to continue online today. It's cyber monday when companies start offering big holiday deals on their websites. Analysits  are expecting anohter billion dollars or so in sales online today. 

The NBA's lock out is over.  Players of owners announced over the weekend that they did reach an attetative deal to underlay over dispute still has to be approved by both sides. This whole thing as you might remember started back in July. Owners of player  couldn't agree on how to split up the money that the NBA makes. The last time we reported on the story: NBA commisioner D. S warned the entire season could get cancled. Now it looks like just be shorter: 66 games that started as the usual 82. ___  on Christmas day, this lockout lasted more than 140 days that shorter than the last time the NBA went through season in 1998. That lock out lasted for more than  200 days. 