
  Australia Size: 7,686,848 sq. km

  Population: Over 18 million

  Currency: Australia dollar Main language: English

  National Anthem: Advance Australia Fair

  National Flag: Australia

  lies 1500 km north-west of New Zealand. It is the world's largest island. Its land is mostly dry, hot desert but in areasswhereswater can be found there are huge cattle ranches and sheep farms. Australia is one of the world's biggest producers of wool and beef. Capital city: Canberra. Most of the population lives along the eastern and south-eastern coastline. Australia is made up of six states and two territories, each with its own capital. Native Australians are called Aborigines, (say "Ab-o-ridge-in-ees"). They were here for 40 thousand years before European settlers arrived. Most of them live in Australia's towns and cities. Many towns and settlements have Aboriginal names, such as Wagga Wagga.

  Australia's wildlife Australia has a rich variety of wildlife, quite unlike that found anywhere else in the world. Such as kangaroo and wallaby, carry their young in a belly pouch. There are also hundreds of species of birds such as the parrot.
