学个词Learn a Word 第1353期 at best(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是at best。At best, 充其量,顶多。 "His performance was mediocre at best," 他的表现充其量只能算一般。 "His new book lacks originality. It's OK at best," 他的新书缺少新意,最多只能算凑合。 "The food served in the cafeteria is acceptable at best," 食堂的饭顶多只能算勉强可以接受。
  美国劳工市场持续低迷。 "Recently published job reports show that the U.S. employment picture remains murky at best," 最近公布的就业报告显示,美国劳工市场顶多能被形容成不明朗。好的,今天我们学习的词是at best...
