学个词Learn a Word 第1363期 hail(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是hail。 Hail, 是热烈欢迎,称颂的意思。目前已证实,利比亚前领导人卡扎菲被打死。 "The Western world hailed Gaddafi's death as the 'end of a painful chapter' for Libyans," 西方国家欢迎卡扎菲的死讯,称这是利比亚人民“痛苦篇章”的终结。最近美国国会通过了与韩国的自由贸易协定。 "Presidents from both sides hailed the free trade deal as an engine for job creation in both countries," 两国领导人都盛赞这项自由贸易协定将为两国就业带来动力。 "President Obama hailed big companies' pledge to hire more military veterans," 奥巴马总统盛赞大公司将招聘更多退伍军人的承诺。好的,今天我们学习的词是hail...
