斯坦福探秘小木乃伊(Child Mummy Scanned at Stanford)(在线收听

August 18, 2005—Call it x-ray vision for archaeologists. High- tech scans and computer modeling have offered scientists a noninvasive glimpse inside the delicate burial case of a millennia- old mummy.


In this photo taken August 3, representatives from computer imaging firm Silicon Graphics unveiled a 3-D model of a 2,000-year-old child mummy. The company, based in Mountain View, California, worked with researchers at Stanford University to take more than 60,000 high-resolution CT scans of the tiny corpse.

在以上这张摄于8月3日的照片展示了沉寂了2000年之久的一副儿童的木乃伊三维模型,该照片同时也是计算机图形公司Silicon Graphics 的代表之作。这家依山而建的加州公司同斯坦福大学的研究人员合作,已经成功地将微小尸体拍摄成了60000多张高分辨率的CT扫描图片。

The results of the scans helped researchers piece together the life history of the mummy without removing her bandages. Dubbed Sherit, or "little one" in ancient Egyptian, the female mummy was most likely about four years old when she died and was in reasonably good health for most of her life.

图像结果可以帮助研究人员推测拼凑出木乃伊的生活历史,而不必在像从前一样拆除木乃伊身上的绷带了。Dubbed Sherit,在古埃及也可称为“little one”,是一种女性木乃伊,奇怪的是,它死时大约4岁并且他一生中几乎都处于非常健康的状态。

CT scans have become a popular method for investigating mummies, in part due to concerns over unwrapping the ancient dead. Earlier this year, a National Geographic Society project used CT scans to create an accurate reconstruction of the face of legendary ancient Egyptian boy king Tutankhamun.

CT扫描在木乃伊研究中锋芒毕露,部分要归功于其独特的穿透功能使人们免予抛开那些远古的尸体了。今年早些,CT扫描技术就曾应用于National Geographic的一个研究项目中,为的是精确重构古埃及传奇少年国王Tutankhamun的脸。
