NPR 2011-12-30(在线收听

 Obama Administration has signed a deal to sell Saudi Arabia nearly 30 billion dollars in fighter jets.NPR Michelle Kelemen reports it designs to listen part to send signal to Iran now US troops are out of Iraq

The white house says US is selling Saudi Arabia 85 advanced combat plan and modernize in another 70.It is said the jets would be built by Being and deal would support more than 50000 American jobs. The assistant secretary of state, Andrew Shapiro calls it major boost Saudi Arabia security.
These sales would send strong message to countries in the region. The United States is committed to its duty in Gulf and broader Mideast. Shapiro says it is not just aimed to Iran .The announcement comes at time tighten tension with Iran. Iran is threatening to close the key oil supply if US goes ahead with tougher sanction.US officials think Iran is failing the pinch. Michelle Kelemen, NPR news, the state department.
Opposition demonstrators in Russia are planning more protests. For Moscow, just reports they plan rally against the detention of Leftist activist chosen frail health. Thousands of people signed up on social media to protest jailing of Sergey Udaltsov. He was arrested following rally contesting the country parliamentary election on December1st, but receiving extended jails sentence last Sunday. After thousands of protesters attended massive rallies against Russian Prime minister Vladimir Putin ruling party United Russia win the country's parliamentary election. Prosecutors say the extended sentence was given to Udaltsov because he failed to complete the sentence received after attending another protest in October. Udaltsov’s supporters are demanding his release and they say he is in frail health for hunger strike. Demonstrators say Udaltsov sentence is too strict .And they also protest against other sentence. Opposition leaders have received dimi mass protests. For NPR news ,I'm in Moscow