澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2011-12-05(在线收听

 Labor's left faction says it won't give up the fight against uranium exports to India. The ALP National Conference yesterday endorsed the plan to try to lift the ban on selling uranium to India. Julia Gillard says securing the agreement will boost trade and enhance Australia's relationship with India. The Government will be negotiating on a deal earlier next year. 

The latest opinion poll has found support for Opposition leader Tony Abbott is at his lowest point in two years. The Newspoll in today's Australian Newspaper shows his satisfaction rating has dipped from 34 per cent to 33 per cent. On a two-party preferred basis, the Coalition leads Labor 54 points to 46. 
The Australian teenager convicted on drug's charges in Bali is due home in just a couple of hours. The 14-year-old was released from detention after serving his two-month sentence. Yesterday he was taken to the notorious Kerobakan prison to complete his final paper work. The teenager was arrested in early October for marijuana possession. 
Global carbon emission surged by a record amount in 2010. In a new report by the Global Carbon Project, it found that emissions rose by 5.9 per cent. The burning of coal accounted for more than half of the rise. 
And a bomb has gone off near the British embassy in Bahrain. No one was killed in the incident and there was no damage to the embassy.