英语听力:听电影学英语—新美国梦 12(在线收听

  [00:23.88]We've stabilized her for now... 我们已经让比比镇静下来了
  [00:25.12]but she will need a blood transfusion in the next couple of hours. 但她几小时后马上需要输血
  [00:41.04]All right? 还好吗?
  [00:44.20]Everything's gonna be okay. The baby needs a blood transfusion. 一切都会好的, 比比需要输血
  [00:48.00]We have to sign this consent form. The pair of us. 我们需要填这份表格, 我们两个
  [00:55.40]Is that okay? 这样可以吗?
  [01:04.40]All the blood is bad. Mateo said all the blood is bad. 所有的血都是坏的, 马蒂奥说所有的血都是坏的
  [01:07.32]You're not giving my baby bad blood. 不要给我的比比注射劣质血液
  [01:12.00]You gave my baby bad blood. 你给了我的比比变质血液
  [01:16.60]And that's why he died. That's why he fell down the stairs. 那是他死掉的原因, 那是他为什么会从楼梯上滚下来
  [01:22.92]This is the new baby, Sarah. 这个是新的比比,莎拉
  [01:29.96]He tried to climb the gate. And he fell. 他想要翻过大门,然后他跌倒了
  [01:36.08]Why did you put it up? 为什么要把门做那么高呢?
  [01:40.96]-Where is he? -Who? - 他在哪? - 谁?
  [01:42.16]Frankie. 弗兰克
  [01:46.92]Frankie's not with us, Sarah. 弗兰克已经不在了,莎拉
  [02:03.52]You should have taken the gate down. 你真该把那门给拆掉
  [02:07.84]It's your fault. You should have taken the gate down! 都是你的错, 你早该把门拆掉的
  [02:10.44]-You're hiding him. -No, I'm not. - 你把他藏起来了 - 不,我没有
  [02:12.64]-I want to get Frankie. I want my baby! -Calm down, all right? - 我要弗兰克。我要我的比比! - 冷静点,好吗?
  [02:17.60]-Where is he? I want Frankie. -Easy. Easy, now. Doctor! - 他在哪里,我要弗兰克 - 镇静,镇静!医生!
  [02:22.88]It's your fault he fell down the stairs. 都是你的错,他从楼梯摔下来
  [02:24.28]Could you ring your bell there? Doctor! 你可以摇一下那的铃吗?医生!
  [02:27.08]Why didn't you take the gate down? 你为什么不把门拆掉?
  [02:29.44]-It's all right. -No, please. - 现在都好了 - 不,求你了
  [02:30.80]Please, I'm begging you, please. Johnny, please. 约翰尼,我求求你了
  [02:35.20]No, no, please. I want to see my baby. 不不,我现在就想见我的比比
  [02:37.60]-Please don't take my new baby. -I'm not taking her. - 不要把我的新比比带走 - 我不会带走她的
  [02:39.00]-Save my baby, Johnny, please. -I promise. - 约翰尼,求你救救我的比比 - 我答应你
  [02:51.40]I will. 我会的
  [02:54.48]If the baby dies, just don't wake me up. 如果比比死了,就不要吵醒我
  [03:04.60]-There's only one other solution. -What's that? - 只有一种解决办法 - 什么?
  [03:08.28]-Are you O-negative? -I am. - 你是O型血吗? - 我是
  [03:14.36]Christy's O-negative. 克莉丝蒂是O型血
  [03:16.96]-What if I have it? -Have what? - 如果我有那个怎么办? - 有什么?
  [03:21.80]Mateo's disease. 马蒂奥的病
  [03:27.88]That's not possible, Christy. 那不可能,克莉丝蒂
  [03:31.64]God won't let that happen to you. 上帝不会让它发生的
  [03:31.68]How do you know, Dad? 你怎么知道,爸爸?
  [03:35.12]You don't believe in God. 你不相信上帝的
  [03:39.12]-I'm scared. -Don't be scared. - 我害怕 - 不要害怕
  [03:44.04]Everyone's dying. 每个人都要死了
  [03:52.88]-Will she survive it? -She can't survive without it. - 没有血她可以活下来吗? - 没有血她就活不下来
  [03:57.64]That's what the doctors said before they opened Frankie. 在给弗兰克手术前医生们是这么说的
  [04:01.48]-What do we do? -I'll give her the blood. - 我们要怎么办? - 我会给她献血
  [04:08.24]Is that a decision? 决定了吗?
  [04:12.52]Christy will give her the blood. 克莉丝蒂会给她献血
  [04:20.32]Are you okay, little girl? 你还好吗,小丫头?
  [04:27.68]Don't "little girl" me. 不要叫我“小丫头”
  [04:29.08]I've been carrying this family on my back for over a year. 我已经担起这个家庭一年多了
  [04:32.12]Ever since Frankie died. 自从弗兰克死后
  [04:37.04]He was my brother, too. 他也是我的弟弟
  [04:40.20]It's not my fault that he's dead. It's not my fault that I'm still alive. 他死了不是我的错 我活着也不是我的错
  [04:43.56]Christy. 克莉丝蒂
  [04:45.96]Mam was always crying because he was her son. 妈妈经常因为她的儿子而哭泣,
  [04:50.72]But he was my brother, too. I cried, too, when no one was looking. 但他也是我的弟弟, 在没人的时候我也会哭
  [04:56.44]-And I talked to him every night. -She did, Dad. - 我还每晚同他说话 - 是这样的,爸爸
