英语听力:听电影学英语-香草天空 04(在线收听

  [00:03.52]And you can go back and talk to that cute brunette.
  [00:06.96]Four is what? 四次怎样
  [00:06.96]I don't wanna meet your fancy friends. I knew them when I was fancy too. 我不想见你的高贵朋友 我以前也很高贵
  [00:11.80]Four is what? 四次到底怎样
  [00:15.52]She looks like a moth. 她像一只飞蛾
  [00:18.20]A moth? 飞蛾
  [00:21.20]Sometimes I worry about you, that some clever girl... 我好担心你
  [00:21.64]被一个穿大衣的女孩迷上了 就会甩掉我这朋友
  [00:24.64]in a big silly coat is gonna come along and play you just right.
  [00:28.80]Then l'll lose my friend.
  [00:30.24]And there won't be any chicken soup parties for me and you. 我就不能再跟你熬鸡汤狂欢了
  [00:54.32]When will you call me? Don't say "soon." 你几时要打电话给我
  [00:57.56]别说很快 我最恨你这么说
  [00:58.40]I hate it when you say "soon".
  [01:03.16]Danny Bramson gave him that for his birthday last year. 这是丹尼送我的
  [01:05.36]So this is what's become of rock and roll... 这就是摇滚乐的下场
  [01:08.84]a smashed guitar behind a glass case displayed on some rich guy's wall. 一把有钱人家里的破吉他
  [01:15.20]It was a gift, actually. 这是个礼物
  [01:18.48]- I like it. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. 我喜欢
  [01:21.72]So how did you get all this stuff... 你怎么能过这样奢华的生活
  [01:23.72]this apartment, this life?
  [01:30.48]I see. 原来如此
  [01:38.52]How 'bout if you help me, unless l'm horning in here. 你能帮个忙吗 行吗
  [01:42.60]我有个麻烦 有人跟踪我
  [01:43.84]- You are, but the food's good. - I have a problem. I got a stalker. 不行 但我想吃香喝辣
  [01:47.76]It doesn't sound life threatening. 没什么大不了的
  [01:48.48]I need for you to pretend we are having a scintillating conversation... 你要假装我正在高谈阔论
  [01:52.32]and you are wildly entertained. 而你非常感兴趣
  [01:53.32]- I know it's tough. - I'll improvise. 我知道这很难
  [01:56.20]她在另一边 一直盯著我看
  [01:56.80]She's across the room and burning a hole in my back now, isn't she? 我会尽量
  [01:59.76]Red dress, strappy shoes? 红洋装 高跟鞋
  [02:03.36]Wow. She's really staring at you. 没错
  [02:12.44]- Shit. - And she seems to be crying. 该死
  [02:13.20]Less happy. 她好像很不开心
  [02:18.48]I think she's the saddest girl to ever hold a martini. 她拿著马丁尼看起来伤心欲绝
  [02:27.48]- Jennifer Kelly. - Hi, Jennifer. 珍妮佛凯莉
  [02:28.20]- You have another apartment. - Sort of a day office. Come on. 嗨 珍妮佛
  [02:31.92]那算是工作室 来吧
  [02:38.44]- I am not going in there. - I am. Good night. 我才不进去
  [02:39.56]好吧 晚安
  [03:08.56]- I hear her coming. - Really? 我听到她来了
  [03:23.52]- Hi. - How are you? 布莱恩 你好
  [03:26.40]We're safe, but l've got nothing to drink. 这儿很安全 但是没有酒
  [03:29.80]Who did these paintings? 这些是谁的书
  [03:30.64]This is Joni Mitchell. 这幅是琼妮米契
  [03:32.76]This one is Monet. 这一幅是莫内
  [03:35.04]And this one... 这个呢……
  [03:38.80]was done by me. 是我画的 这是雪板
  [03:39.60]It is a snowboard.
  [03:42.20]Well, two of them are geniuses. 只有两个是天才
  [03:47.64]That is the real thing. 这是真迹
  [03:49.76]His paintbrush painted the vanilla sky. 他亲手画的香草天空
  [03:51.44]And his canvas.
  [03:54.40]My mother's. 这是我母亲的
  [04:03.92]- l'm surprised you're surprised. - I can't keep this banter going. 我很佩服
  [04:06.12]- Me neither. - I caught you. 我现在词穷了
  [04:08.20]布莱恩 进来
  [04:08.88]Brian, come in here. 逮到你们了
  [04:10.92]- What's going on? - Your friends are fun and l'm drunk. 怎么样
  [04:12.96]你朋友很有趣 我也醉了
  [04:14.68]- Julie Gianni is stalking me. - She looked dangerous. 茱莉在跟踪我
  [04:16.36]Nobody stalks me, so I drink. 她看起来很危险
  [04:17.28]没人跟踪我 我只好灌酒
  [04:20.04]- We're all out up here. - Finish my Jack and Coke. 这儿没酒喝
  [04:23.52]- Stupid glass. - I got it. 蠢酒杯
  [04:24.20]- It's the stupid guy holding it. - Don't worry. No big deal. 我来
  [04:28.68]I'll go get us something. Jacks and Cokes? 我去倒酒 威士忌吗
  [04:32.84]I better hit it. I drank too much and I didn't eat. 我最好走 我喝多了
  [04:33.16]- The party's just starting. - For you it is. 派对才刚开始
  [04:34.24]别走 你是贵宾
  [04:35.60]You cannot go. You are my guest of honor. 这是你的派对
  [04:37.60]Fuck you, David. 去你的
  [04:39.40]You're paying me to write my novel, so you own me. 你付钱给我写小说 你最大
  [04:42.40]I don't own you. You are brilliant, good-looking, handsome. 才不是 你既有才华又帅
  [04:45.96]But why'd you have to hit on Sofia? 但是你非得勾引苏菲亚吗
  [04:50.84]- I wasn't hitting on Sofia. - Fine. Whatever you say. 我才没有
  [04:52.64]随便你 反正我是瞎了眼睛
  [04:54.40]- l'm crazy. l'm blind. - You're not blind.
  [04:56.20]You're drinking Jack and when you do you start in with that... 你喝多了酒 所以才会自怨自艾
  [04:60.48]Frank Sinatra, she shot me down... 以为自己是天下第一伤心人
