英语听力:听电影学英语-香草天空 08(在线收听

  [00:04.48]Something free. 自由 自在的梦
  [00:08.60]It never works. 都没有用
  [00:17.96]Is that the only thing you dream? 你只做了那场梦吗
  [00:21.60]I don't... I don't remember. 我不记得了
  [00:28.16]Do you dream about the car accident? 你记得那场车祸吗
  [00:33.96]Here's what you remember from a coma. 昏迷不醒的记忆是
  [00:36.24]Nothing. 一片空白
  [00:42.60]What happened next? 然后发生什么事
  [00:43.56]What really happened? 发生什么事
  [00:46.16]What, didn't you read the file? 你没看档案吗
  [00:50.16]I was out for three-and-a-half weeks. 我昏迷了三个半礼拜
  [00:52.44]My face and my arm shattered and my jaw was broken in four places. 我的脸和手臂支离破碎 下颚有四处骨折
  [00:58.16]No surgery could be performed because of the coma. 昏迷不醒时不能动手术
  [01:02.12]You can't feel the darkness... 我无法感觉到黑暗或麻木
  [01:05.52]or numbness.
  [01:09.80]You can't even feel. 我根本没有感觉
  [01:11.08]And then... 后来…… 我突然醒来
  [01:12.28]I came back to life.
  [01:16.52]Just like that dog. 就像小狗班尼
  [01:18.92]Benny. You know, Benny the dog. 你知道小狗班尼吗
  [01:23.80]Benny. Benny the dog. 小狗班尼
  [01:26.32]Only my life was no longer normal. 我的生活不再是正常的
  [01:28.44]There are blinding migraines now... nerve damage. 脑神经受损让我头痛欲裂
  [01:33.72]This is how big business operates... 商场如战场
  [01:33.84]Why? 为什么
  [01:37.48]random accidents... 没有所谓的意外
  [01:44.44]They are not coincidences. 这一切都不是巧合
  [01:45.64]How do you think airtight contracts are broken? 滴水不漏的合约都有破绽
  [01:50.12]These are power upheavals. 这就是争权夺利
  [01:54.72]l'm from Ohio. 我只是乡巴佬
  [01:56.68]We don't have power upheavals. 没看过争权夺利
  [01:58.84]They are in the news every day right between the lines. 新闻每天都在播 你要仔细看
  [02:02.72]Someone did this to me. 有人陷害我
  [02:07.48]My father wrote about this in his book. 我爸在自传早就写过
  [02:08.20]Chapter one, page one... 第一章 第一页 第一段
  [02:11.96]paragraph one... 所有问题的答案是什么
  [02:12.64]"What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?
  [02:19.44]Money." 金钱
  [02:20.44]David, look, I don't wanna worry you. 我不想让你担心
  [02:24.48]l'm holding them off, but we got a situation here. 我正在应付 但事情太多了
  [02:27.08]The bylaws of the board protect your 51% vote... 你的精神状态必须维持正常
  [02:29.24]only if you're mentally acute. 才能保有你的股权
  [02:32.12]l'm sorry that poor girl died... 很遗憾那女孩死了 但是你也让董事会有机可趁
  [02:34.52]but you've handed the board a real gift with your mishap.
  [02:37.68]They'd like to declare you incapacitated. 他们想宣布你失去能力
  [02:42.28]But you're back. 但是你复元了 听起来也不错
  [02:45.44]You sound good to me, so let's fight the fuckers... 你要周旋下去 好好养病
  [02:49.04]and have a full recovery.
  [02:51.04]And maybe you should let people see you, yeah? 最好让大家见到你
  [02:51.52]The last time we were together you were in a coma... 我上次去 你昏迷不醒
  [02:54.56]and you were very fucking rude to me. 你很没礼貌 一句话也没说
  [02:58.96]You didn't say a word. 我去世的消息只是谣言
  [02:60.92]Yes, well, the rumors of my death have been mildly exaggerated.
  [03:10.80]Who could I trust? 我能相信谁
  [03:12.96]The ants were taking over the anthill. 每一个人都在窝里反
  [03:17.16]Who could I trust? 我能相信谁
  [04:19.40]The cranial structure was based on 30 pins... 你的颅骨钉了30根钢针
  [04:22.48]and fastened by micro-panels and bits of bone from the mandible. 并利用下颚骨碎片紧紧黏合
  [04:27.76]It appears the cartilage graphs have maintained your cheek structure. 软骨移极片固定你的下颚结构
  [04:30.92]Unfortunately, because you were in a coma... 由于你昏迷不醒……
  [04:31.52]Doctors. Their power is in jargon, so you study up. 医生满口术语 我只好做功课
  [04:36.92]Is that the procedure for all bilateral periorbital hematomas... 这是因为勒福氏骨折
  [04:38.56]in a LeFort Three fracture of a comatose patient? 造成两侧眶骨膜血肿吗
  [04:40.68]- In a LeFort Three? - You do your best. 勒福氏骨折
  [04:42.72]Absolutely. 我很用功
  [04:43.96]The potential for intracranial brain damage was too great. 没错 颅内损伤的机率太高
  [04:48.48]Beyond the cheek grafts, Dr. Pomeranz... 除了下颚骨以外
  [04:50.88]are the pins fastened with any kind of aluminum which could ionize... 那些钢钉会造成颅内压力吗
  [04:52.56]and cause that pressure in my head? 我愿意再接受手术
  [04:55.48]- l'm ready for another operation. - We are working on processes. 我们正在研究
  [04:58.76]But you're specifically not at the stage where we can experiment. 但是目前并不适合进行实验
