澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-01-03(在线收听

 Victoria and the South Australia are in front of another scrod today, Fire fighters are on higher alert as the temperatures expect to soar to around 40 degrees in some areas. One hundred fires have been burning across the Victoria and dozens of people have been treated for heat strike. And the South Australia’s power was cut to thousands of south coast homes and businesses because of the fire risk.

Chemical giant Oreiko will reopen its aluminum plant in Newcastle today. The plant has been cut off action since a toxic leak in August. The company has been pledged by serious chemical leaks which have outraged local residents. The shutdown has cost Oreiker around $50 million.
The National holiday road toll has climbed to 46 with a death of a cyclist in Sydney's northwest. Eighteen people have died on the New South Wales roads, Eighteen Queensland and Victoria, Seven in Western Australia and three in South Australia. There has been one fatality happened Tasmania and the Northern Territory, and no death on ACT roads.
A school bus has crashed in northern India, killing 10 children and a driver. And other 20 children were injured in the accident. The bus collided with a truck during heavy fog. 
Egypt's ousted president Hosni Mubarak is back in court in Cairo. The media has been banned for the court during his trial on murdering, corruption charges. The prosecution spans the hearing, outlining his case. Mubarak faces the death penalty if he's convicted of ordering the killings of hundreds of protesters.