澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-01-16(在线收听

 The death toll from an Italian cruise ship than run aground in the Mediterranean has risen to 5, 15 people are still missing, an Italian crew member and a south Korean couple were the latest to be rescued from the stricken ship, the ship’s captain has been arrested, accused of leaving the ship before the evacuation was completed. 

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie insisted poker machine reforms remain on track, he met Prime Minister Jullie Gillard to discuss the reforms late yesterday. Mr. Wilkie has refused to give details of the talks and says they’ll have more to say later in the week.
A wave of attacks in Iraq has killed 7 people and wounded dozen, dozens more. All the dead are police officers who were killed during a 3-hour sieged police compounds in Ramadi in the country’s west. 4 car bombs and 3 suicide bombers are also involved in the attacks. 
Syria’s president has issued a general amnesty for crimes committed during the 10-month uprising. Just last week president Bashar Assad gave a speech, vowing to crush those who were responsible for the protest. Earlier United Nations General Ban Ki-moon again demanded an end to the violence. 
Three Australian anti-violence protesters will arrive home today. Supports are gathering in the West Australian port of Albany to greet them. The men illegally boarded a Japanese whaling boat and were transferred to an Australian customs ship on Friday.