澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-01-25(在线收听

 The treasurer Wayne Swan says Australia is in good shape to weather European financial crisis.The IMF has downgrated its global growth forecast from 4% to just over 3%.The IMF says world recession is looking more likely.

The world recovery, which was we came to the first place, is in danger of destroying.The epic center of danger is Europe but the rest of the world is increasingly affected.There's even greater danger,namely,the European crisis intensifies.In this case,the world could be plunged into another recession.To the markets now which have just finished trading for the day.
The Dow closed down 35 points.The NASDAQ was 3 points lower.The S&P500 ended 2 points lower.And in London,the FETE finished down 30 points.
Checking commodities prices.
West Tax Crude Australia at 98 US dollars 78 US cents.Tapis Crude 115 US dollars 87 cents a barrel.Gold Australian at 1665 US dollars 9 cents an ounce.The Ausi dollar is buying 105 US cents,80 Euro cents,67 UK cents.