澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-02-09(在线收听

 Police in the Queensland town of Saint George say it's unlikely that residents would be allowed back their homes until the weekend of the earliest.Flood waters there appear to a final peak just below 14 meters.Defense Force personnel have arrived in M and R to assist locals with the recover efforts there.

Opposition activist in Syria say up to 100 civilians have been killed in the latest riot violence in the city of Homs.Residents there say government forces are among their heaviest bombardment so far.Troops,loyal to President BA have cut off power communication and supply to the city.
Former British Labor Spokesman,AC,and CS are among the latest people to settle claims for damages over the phone hacking.News Corporation is releasing its figures for the first half of the financial year later this morning.
The European Aviation Safety Agency has ordered all air bus A380 to be checked the cracks in their wings.Safety official made the decision following an initial checks made by Air France,Emirates and Singapore Airlines.Qantas has suspended one A380 due to a different kind of crack.
And aluminium giant Alcoa insists that the carbon tax has nothing to do with its move to relive cooperation,that's a long plan.Managing Director,Allen T,one roll land job losses or close the smelter at Port Henry.Mr.T says the company hopes to keep the plant open.