听歌学英语:桑妮回家Sunny Came Home(在线收听

听歌学英语:桑妮回家Sunny Came Home

Sunny Came Home在1998年以黑马姿态爆冷勇夺格莱美奖年度最佳歌曲奖。这是一首讲述关于仇恨,创伤及毁灭的歌曲。Sunny最后放了一把火烧掉了家园的故事。这是A Few Small Repairs里面几首叙事歌曲的其中一首。歌名也是歌曲开头的歌词。这首歌曲调清新欢快,精彩的吉它伴奏,与隐晦的歌词形成鲜明对比。Sunny Came home是迄今为止Shawn Colvin最成功的单曲,获得包括年度最佳歌曲及年度最佳录音两项格莱美大奖。并登上了Billboard单曲榜。

Sunny came home to her favorite room
Sunny sat down in the kitchen
She opened a book and a box of tools
Sunny came home with a mission
She says days go by I'm hypnotized
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Sunny came home with a list of names
She didn't believe in transcendence
It's time for a few small repairs she said
Sunny came home with a vengeance
She says days go by I don't know why
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Get the kids and bring a sweater
Dry is good and wind is better
Count the years, you always knew it
Strike a match, go on and do it
Days go by I'm hypnotized
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Light the sky and hold on tight
The world is burning down
She's out there on her own and she's alright
Sunny came home
Sunny came home


Sunny came home with a mission
mission  n.使命 ,任务,代表团,布道 v.派遣,布道
The minister was sent to Spain on mission.
She was missioned to be a teacher in a remote village.
The priest is missioning to the believers.

Sunny came home with a list of names,she didn't believe in transcendence
a list of  一览表,清单;一列
A waiter comes to their table and gives them a list of drinks.
Transcendence n.超越 ,卓越
Transcendence accomplishes your bright future!

I close my eyes and fly out of my mind into the fire,get the kids and bring a sweater
sweater  n. 毛衣
This woolen sweater may keep you warm in winter.

Count the years, you always knew it
count v. 计算,视为,依赖   n. 计数,  总数,伯爵
It's not humanly possible to count so quickly.
Fruity cocktails count as health food, study finds.
We cannot always count on our parents.
Take your blood count first, please.
The count lived in that big house.

Days go by I'm hypnotized
hypnotize  v.   施催眠术,使恍惚,使着迷
Mary knows how to hypnotize people,
