英语听力:听电影学英语-伟大辩手 08(在线收听

   00:01.84]Like you apologized to that pig farmer? 就像你跟那养猪的农民道歉一样?

  [00:02.56]What did you say, boy? 你说什么?孩子
  [00:10.00]You go to your room. 回你的房间去
  [00:16.84]Okay, Junior... 好了,小詹…
  [00:29.08]I'm not going to be weak on this, Pearl. 我这次是绝不会让步的,佩儿
  [00:31.76]I know. 我知道
  [00:36.96]I can't allow my son to be corrupted. 我不能允许我的儿子堕落
  [00:40.04]You're right. 没错
  [00:42.68]Let's just go to bed. 去休息吧
  [00:43.80]I'll take him to school in the morning. 明早我会送他去学校的
  [00:45.40]All right? 好吗?
  [00:49.96]All right. 好的
  [01:04.00]I'm going to be honest with you, boys. 我实话告诉你们,伙计们
  [01:05.24]I'm not well at all this morning. 今早开始感觉就不怎么好
  [01:05.64]I'm not well. 我不怎么好
  [01:09.92]I'm sure sorry to hear that, sir. 听你这么说我很遗憾,先生
  [01:10.04]You look well to me. 我看您气色不错啊
  [01:11.32]Don't he look well, Sam? 他看上去不错啊,对吧?塞缪尔
  [01:13.24]Yes, sir. He looks real good. 是的,他气色真不错
  [01:15.40]Now, we got some white fellas from up north come into our town. 有几个白人从北方过来 到了我们镇上
  [01:18.40]They're stirring up trouble between our coloreds and our whites. 他们企图在黑人和白人之间挑起事端
  [01:21.56]They say that we need to make a union: 他们说我们需要成立个工会
  [01:23.32]The sharecroppers and the workers all together, 把所有的农民,工人,黑人,白人
  [01:27.72]colored and white. 联合起来
  [01:29.80]They need to make a union? 他们要成立工会?
  [01:31.40]How do you boys feel about that? 你们怎么看?
  [01:32.72]I really ain't thought much about that. 对此我没想过太多
  [01:33.40]I don't know, sir. 我不知道,先生
  [01:37.16]It's a bad idea, take my word for it. 烂主意,相信我的话
  [01:41.44]Yes, sir. 是的,先生
  [01:43.32]And they say that there was some kind of secret meeting 我还听说昨晚在湖边
  [01:44.84]last night down near the lake. 有个秘密集会
  [01:47.72]Now, do you boys know about that? 你们知道这事儿吗?
  [01:48.12]You don't know about that? 你们都不知道?
  [01:48.28]No, sir. 不,先生
  [01:51.96]- Samuel? - No, sir. - 塞缪尔? - 不知道,先生
  [01:55.48]- You swear to me? - Yes, sir. - 能向我发誓吗? - 当然
  [01:55.88]- You didn't hear about that? - No, sir. - 你们没听到任何风声吗? - 没有,先生
  [01:57.96]Yes, sir, I swear. 我向您发誓
  [02:00.44]All right, then. 那好吧
  [02:05.52]See you later. 再见
  [02:06.36]Our first debate 我们第一场的辩论赛
  [02:11.00]is one week from today. 只有一周时间了
  [02:16.16]- One week? - That's right. - 一周? - 没错
  [02:17.92]I thought Prairie View was first. 我以为普雷里维大学是排第一轮的
  [02:19.00]Prairie View is tough, so I thought we needed a warm-up. 普雷里维是很强的对手 所以我们需要热热身
  [02:21.60]With the best Negro college in the state? 和这个州最好的黑人大学热身?
  [02:23.00]That's right, Mr. Burgess. 没错,伯吉斯先生
  [02:26.04]Yes, sir. 是的,先生
  [02:27.20]Does that frighten you? 你害怕了?
  [02:29.44]One week's not enough time to write our arguments. 一周的时间根本不够我们写辩词
  [02:33.12]You do the research. I'll write the arguments. 你们研究论据,我写辩词
  [02:35.64]Wait. You... 等等,你…
  [02:37.40]You write the arguments? 你写辩词?
  [02:37.40]And you deliver them, Mr. Lowe. 然后你传递观点,罗先生
  [02:38.68]What the hell do I look like, a mailman? 那我算什么?邮递员?
  [02:39.88]Hell is where you're headed if you question me again. 你再质疑我就可以别干了
  [02:47.84]So what you're saying is I'm not capable. 那你的意思是我没这个能力咯?
  [02:48.32]It's not a matter of competence. 这不是能力的问题
  [02:50.24]It's a matter of experience. 而是经验的问题
  [02:51.80]How do I know you write... 我怎么知道你写的…
  [02:53.84]I write the arguments! 由我来写辩词!
  [02:54.52]That's the way it's going to be! 以后也将是如此!
  [02:55.08]That's the way it's been! 一直以来都是如此!
  [02:58.28]Any more questions? 还有什么问题吗?
  [03:03.64]One week. 最后一周
  [03:06.60]our first affirmative debater: 正方第一位辩手
  [03:07.76](Moderator) I bring to you 下面为您介绍
  [03:09.64]From Paul quinn College, Otheree Hubbard. 保尔奎恩学院的欧斯瑞·哈巴德
  [03:21.56]Resolved: Unemployment relief should be ended 我方观点:当经济萧条结束时
  [03:27.60]when the Depression ends. 失业救济的发放也应随之停止
  [03:28.88]If the Depression ends. 如果经济萧条结束
  [03:30.36]I traveled back through history to 1536, 追溯到1536年
  [03:33.16]when the first Poor Laws of England were mandated. 英格兰第一部《济贫法》颁布
  [03:37.44]In those days, the dole... or welfare, as we call it... 那时候,被我们称作的 失业救济金…或者社会福利金…
  [03:39.04]was funded by voluntary contributions. 是由自愿捐款组成
  [03:44.24]But, as time passed, 随着时间的过去
  [03:45.40]the English devised the Allowance System, 英格兰设计制定了社会保障制度
  [03:48.36]the first unemployment relief, 第一批失业救济金
  [03:50.48]only now it was paid with involuntary contributions, 是由非自愿捐款支付的
  [03:52.08]more commonly known as taxes. 也就是通常意义上的税收
  [03:56.04]The Allowance System was a disaster.
  [03:56.96](Audience laughs) 这个社保制度是场灾难
  [03:59.80]The only real unemployment relief is to give a man a job. 真正的救助是给人们一份工作
  [04:02.80]But to do that, you have to give the economy life, 为此,就必须创造一个良好的经济环境
  [04:05.68]not tax it to death. 而不是无尽的税收
  [04:13.56]When capitalism was young, 在资本主义的初期
  [04:16.32]was, "He who does not work shall not eat." 不做工者,没饭吃
  [04:16.64]the old puritanical concept of duty 责任的概念是
  [04:21.08]That made sense when there was more work 在工作机会多,人们也愿意做的时候
  [04:22.80]than men willing to do it. 确实是讲的通的
  [04:23.88]But those days are gone. 但那样的日子已经过去了
  [04:27.44]Now there are millions who want to work, 现在有数百万人想要工作
  [04:29.16]but find themselves standing in breadlines. 但他们却发现自己在排队等救济
  [04:30.92]Now, should they not eat because there are no jobs? 那么,难道因为他们 没有工作而不让他们吃饭吗?
  [04:33.00]People, today we need a new concept of duty: 今天的我们需要 对责任有一个新的认识
  [04:36.08]The right of the individual to demand from society 每个个体对社会需求的权力
  [04:39.20]just as much as he gives to society. 和他给予这个社会的应当是一样的
  [04:44.04]We clutch at anything that even looks like a solution. 任何看似解决问题的方法 我们都当它是救命稻草
  [04:46.76]$60 million a month for public relief? 一个月6千万用于公共救济?
  [04:51.24]Pay it out if it'll sweep the hoboes off the streets. 如果能将流浪汉从大街上清除 那就付吧
  [04:54.76]One seventh of the population of the United States on welfare. 美国有七分之一的人口靠救济金而活
  [04:57.88]Fine, as long as it ends our misery. 好吧,只要能结束痛苦那就这样吧