英语听力:听电影学英语-伟大辩手 11(在线收听

   [00:01.56]"It's a silly waste of money, time, and temper 强迫大多数人去做他们

  [00:05.72]"to try and compel a powerful majority 不打算做的事情
  [00:06.52]to do what they are determined not to do." 实在是件浪费金钱、时间和耐性的蠢事
  [00:10.80]My opponent so conveniently chose to ignore the fact 对方辩友很巧妙的回避了一个事实
  [00:15.56]that W.E.B. DuBois is the first Negro 杜博斯是第一个
  [00:18.52]to receive a Ph. D from a white college called Harvard. 从名为“哈佛”的白人大学 拿到博士学位的黑人
  [00:21.44]Dr. DuBois, he adds, 杜博斯博士,他还说过
  [00:25.00]"It is impossible... impossible for a Negro 对于一个黑人而言
  [00:27.76]to receive a proper education at a white college." 想要从白人学校里接受到合适的教育 那是不可能的…不可能
  [00:30.36]The most eminent Negro scholar in America 这位美国最著名的黑人学者
  [00:33.76]is the product of an Ivy League education. 就是常青藤联盟教育的成果
  [00:37.36]You see, DuBois knows all too well the white man's resistance to change. 杜博斯太了解白人反对改变的心理了
  [00:41.84]But that's no reason to keep a black man out of any college. 但没有理由拒绝黑人进入任何一所大学
  [00:45.32]If someone didn't force upon the South something it wasn't ready for, 如果不是有些人在我们没准备好的时候 把制度强加给我们
  [00:46.40]I'd still be in chains, 那么我还如困兽般的活着
  [00:48.48]and Miss Booke here would be running from her old Master! 这边的布可女士可能还正从 她主人家逃出来呢!
  [00:53.56]I do admit it. 我很赞成
  [00:55.40]It is true. 非常正确
  [00:57.24]Far too many whites are afflicted with the disease of racial hatred. 很多白人都因种族仇恨受到折磨
  [01:02.36]And because of racism, 也因为种族主义
  [01:05.16]it would be impossible for a Negro to be happy 黑人想要在白人大学里开心的学习生活
  [01:06.56]at a southern white college today. 是不可能的
  [01:09.16](Woman) That's true. 没错
  [01:10.56]it is impossible to see how they could receive a proper education. 就不可能看到他接受良好的教育
  [01:10.84]And if someone is unhappy, 一个人如果不开心
  [01:15.40]That's right. 是啊
  [01:15.52]Yes, a time will come 没错,那个时刻终会到来
  [01:19.20]when Negroes and whites will walk on the same campus 黑人和白人走在同一个校园里
  [01:21.96]and we will share the same classrooms. 坐在同一间教室中
  [01:26.76]But sadly, that day is not today. 但遗憾的是,那不是今天
  [01:33.28]Negroes will receive an education that is both separate and unequal. 黑人将继续接受独自的 和不平等的教育
  [01:38.76]By Oklahoma's own reckoning, 对方的数据显示
  [01:40.88]the state is currently spending five times more 这个州花在白人孩子
  [01:44.12]for the education of a white child 教育上的经费
  [01:46.40]than it is spending to educate a colored child. 是黑人孩子的5倍
  [01:47.12]That means better textbooks for that child than for that child. 那就是说那个孩子的教科书 比那个孩子要好
  [01:52.96]Oh, I say that's a shame, 噢,太让人遗憾了
  [01:53.60]but my opponent says today is not the day 但对方辩友认为今天还不是时候
  [01:57.28]for whites and coloreds to go to the same college, 不是黑人白人同在一所学校的时候
  [01:60.76]to share the same campus, 共同分享校园的时候
  [02:04.40]to walk in the same classroom. 同在一间教室的时候
  [02:06.52]Well, would you kindly tell me when is that day gonna come? 那你能告诉我那该是什么时候呢?
  [02:09.20]Is it gonna come tomorrow? Is it gonna come next week? 是明天?下礼拜?
  [02:12.04]Never? 还是永远?
  [02:12.56]In a hundred years? 一百年后?
  [02:13.56]No, the time for justice, 不,公正的时刻
  [02:15.84]the time for freedom, and the time for equality 自由的时刻,平等的时刻
  [02:19.00]is always, is always, right now! 一直存在,一直存在,就是现在!
  [02:40.00]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:53.44]What is this? 这是什么?
  [02:53.60]I told you it was holy wine. 跟你说了是圣酒
  [02:55.92]If you say so. 但愿如此
  [02:56.88]Put hair on your chest. 能让你嗨起来
  [02:58.92]Good, ain't it? 很不错,不是吗?
  [02:59.96](Cough) Uh-huh. 嗯
  [03:01.76]You know where the bathroom is if you need it. 你知道卫生间怎么走的吧
  [03:01.84]Yeah. (Cough) 是的
  [03:04.04](General chatter)
  [03:10.00]And my weapons were words. 话语就是我的武器
  [03:10.72]I didn't need a gun. I didn't need a knife. 我不需要枪,不需要刀
  [03:14.32]You see... 你知道…
  [03:15.20]Meet me outside in five minutes. 5分钟后到外面找我
  [03:18.04]And then what? 干什么?
  [03:31.40]Yes, I did, honey, 是的,宝贝儿
  [03:34.16]and nobody knows that better than you know. 没有人比你知道的更清楚了
  [03:36.68]How are you doing, Pearl? 你还好吗?佩儿
  [03:37.88]Oh, I'm fine. 噢,我很好
  [03:39.72]Pearl! 佩儿!
  [03:41.12]Yes, I do. Where's your husband? 你先生呢?
  [03:42.84]- He's in the study. - Okay. - 他在书房 - 好的
  [03:56.52]Dr. Farmer. 法默博士
  [03:58.52]Congratulations, Melvin. 祝贺你,梅尔文
  [04:01.12]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:02.28]You've put us on the map. 你让我们出人头地了
  [04:04.88]Well, your son is doing a great job. 你儿子做的也非常不错
  [04:05.40]That's good to hear. That's good to hear. 很高兴听你这么说…很高兴
  [04:05.56]His research is impeccable. 他的研究近乎完美
  [04:10.24]Listen, there are people around town 听着,镇上有些人
  [04:12.96]who aren't very happy with your off-campus activities. 对你的课外活动感到很不满
  [04:15.44]They're calling you a radical. 他们说你是激进分子
  [04:19.32]to find out one morning when I woke up 发现你被吊死在树上
  [04:19.80]In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised 事实上,如果哪天早上我醒来
  [04:22.28]that you were strung up to a tree. 我一点不会为此吃惊
  [04:26.76]This is serious, Melvin. 这很严重,梅尔文
  [04:27.16]Very serious. 非常严重
  [04:28.12]A hungry Negro steals a chicken, he goes to jail. 一个饥饿的黑人偷了只鸡就得进监狱
  [04:32.64]A rich businessman steals bonds, he goes to Congress. 一个富有的商人偷了票券 却能进国会
  [04:35.40]I think that's wrong. 我想这是不对的
  [04:37.60]Now, if that makes me a radical, a socialist, a communist, so be it. 如果因此就能使我成为一个激进分子 一个社会主义者,共产主义者,那就让他们去吧
  [04:38.68]Amen... Amen on that. 阿门…
  [04:40.36]- Jesus was a radical. - Careful. - 耶稣也是激进分子 - 小心说话
  [04:43.88]Yes, He was. Jesus was a radical. 是啊,他就是 他是个激进分子
  [04:45.64]Mental institutions are filled with people 精神病院关的那些人
  [04:46.04]who have confused themselves with Jesus Christ. 全是分不清自己和耶稣的
  [04:46.72]I'm not confused. 我没有分不清
  [04:48.24]You're convinced you're Jesus Christ now? 你现在确定你是耶稣基督吗?
  [04:51.40]- No. - You're convinced you're Jesus Christ? - 不 - 你确定你就是耶稣基督?
  [04:51.40]You know what words do. 你该知道怎么说话的
  [04:54.00]- Okay. - Come on now. - 好的 - 拜托
  [04:55.16]Don't want to confuse yourself with Jesus Christ. 别想把自己和耶稣混为一谈
  [04:55.92]Amen. 阿门
  [04:57.60]I'm not confused. I'm convinced. 我没有,我很确定
  [04:59.24]I'm not, uh, I'm not judging you. 我不是…呃…我不是在评判你