澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-02-22(在线收听

 Go to finance.And there‘s been a mixed response to the Greek bailout on the markets. The Dow Jones topped the 13,000 mark for the first time since May,2008.

European markets were cautious,closing lightly lower. Analysts say Greece can't afford to waste any time implementing its promised austerity measures.
Greece now is solvent and at the same time has gains a long period up to 2020 to make sure that it can come back,it can come back to the
right track as an economy. So if we go straights and start implementing the decisions from the very first day, even from today, that will be a very positive signal to our partners and the markets.
And here are those closing figures. The initial optimism surrounding the Greek bailout has eased as tensions at Iran began toweigh  on US ambassador's minds. It was much the same across Europe with the late sell-off.
And checking commodity prices.West Texas crude is trading at $105 a barrel.Tapis crude is at $127 a barrel.And gold is at $1755 an ounce.The Australian dollar is buying $106 US cents, $80 euro cents and $67 pence sterling.