澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-02-28(在线收听

 Right wing powerbroker,Senator Mark Arbib,says he hopes his decision to quit will help heal the Labor Party.Senator Arbib's quitting in the ministry and leaving the Parliament in the wake ofleadership battle.He was one the architects of Kevin Rudd's demise as Prime Minister in 2010.

A new report says governments will have to spend at least ten billion dollars to stop the decline in dental health.A national dental review has found dental health is going backwards with oral disease among children creeping up again after dropping in the nineteen seventies.
A gunman has opened fire in a high school cafeteria in the Unite States,killing one student and wounding four others.Students have just arrived the school in Ohio when the shooting happened.Police have arrested the suspected gunman after he fled the school.
The European Union has agreed to impose further sanctions on the Syria government.It will freeze the assets of the country's central bank and impose travel bans on another seven president's close associates.Cargo flights from Syria will also be stopped.
A cruise ship belonging to the same company as one that run around in Italy is in trouble.A fire on board the Costa Allegra, has cut power to the ship.It's now drifting off the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.More than a thousand people are on board and are all saved.The Costa Concordia crashed into rocks last month, killing 25 people,seven are still missing.