澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-03-08(在线收听

 Defense Minister,Stephen Smith is refusing to apologize for accusing the head of Defense Forces Academy of mishandling last year's Skype sex scandal.A report has cleared Commodore Bruce Kafer of any wrong-doing and he's due to return to work this week.The Opposition says the Defense Minister should apologize for his remarks.We will be joined by Mr.Smith in just a few moments.

The United Nations Humanitarian Chief,Valerie Amos has made a brief visit to the devastated district of Baba Amr in Homs.It follows talks with Foreign Ministery officials in Syrian capital,Damascus.The Red Cross has spent almost a week trying to gain access to that area.
Six British soldiers have been killed by an explosion in southern Afghanistan.They were on patrol in Helmand Province,when their armored vehicle was hit by huge blast.404 British soldiers have now died in Afghanistan since the invasion in 2001 and Britain's Prime Minister,David Cameron says it's a sad day for the country.
And the man who admits to carrying out a massacre in Norway in July,last year,has been formally been charged with terror-acts.Anders Behring Breivik,killed 8 people in a bomb attack in Oslo,and he shot dead 69 others on the nearby island.He's charged with acts of terrorism and voluntary homicide.His trail is due to start next month.