万花筒 2011-01-05&01-07 美国2010语录大盘点(在线收听

 Plenty of politicians, celebrities and other newsmakers follow those directions quite well this past year. Or they said something worth repeating, just for the fun of it.

For ultimately, the buck stops with me. 
Right, it's too damn hard.
It's a lie, you know that's a lie. I never said it.
I'm not a witch, I'm nothing you’ve heard, I'm you.
I am not now, nor have I ever been. Anything but, a clean-shaven capitalist.
You send another goon to my daughter's house and I will take you out, buddy. 
You gonna take me out? 
How are you gonna do that? 
We will keep clinging to our Constitution and our guns and you can keep the change.
Yes, we can, remember that was our slogan? Their slogan is "No, we can’t". No, no, no.
I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for.
How is that hope and change stuff working out for you?
Yes, we can, but it's not, it's not gonna happen overnight.
Yes we vote it, yes we vote it, yes we vote it.
Hello there, my name is C.Brian and I may soon be available for children's party so..
There is no one who wants this thing over more over than I do, you know I’d like my life back.
The No.1 goal is to shut in the well and kill it and stop it at the source.
We can’t cap a spill that large, fifteen times the size of the and within 120 days, whatever it is, expect 75% of it to be gone.
We gonna hold their feet to the fire to make sure that they are there until all the oil is gone out of the Gulf of Mexico.
Uh,Mr Hayward, you are not taking responsibility.You're kicking the can down the road and acting as if you have nothing to do with this company.
I think you're stalling, I think you're insulting our intelligence.
I'm very very sorry for this accident occurred.
I'm deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in.
What I said was stupid, stupid, stupid, it was a metaphor, I was speaking metaphorically, obviously, I'm not blacker than President Obama.
Thirty days in jail on the first DUI case,consecutive. I'm not taking this as a joke, it's my life and it's my career and it something I’ve worked for my entire life.
I didn't, you know I'm not a hater, I didn't hate Kanye West.
We were, we like sort of ducks that is very calm on the surface but little feet under water.
Today is the day that the worst abuses of insurance companies come to an end.
Test my jaw, I gonna have you arrested. You know I don't want some random stranger looking at my naked body. 
Our burning of the Quran is to call the attention that something is wrong.
Now I was also to go and give a commencement speech in Arizona. But with my accent, I was worry they gonna deport me back to Austria.
People get married in Lowa, but we can't get married in California. So I feel like a second class.
This was a car that was great for thirty-four thousand miles because last two second were really bad.
No, I'm not recommending for every future president that they take a shellacking like I did last night.
I certainly hope that my stock power can bump this hearing all the way up to C-Span 1.