万花筒 2011-04-20&04-21 百事可乐CEO评价奥巴马(在线收听

 -You think a lot about leadership. What do you think of President Obama as a leader?

-Hum, I think he is a remarkable individual, but let me put this in context,Fareed. Just imagine that you are the CEO for company, hum? And just bear with me for a while, while I talk you through the story. Imagine you are the CEO for company and your executive team, half a few want you to succeed, half a few want you to fail. 
-Republicans and Democrats. 
-And then imagine that your functional team, you can't hire them without the approval of your executive team. Right? And also imagine…
-Half of whom wants you to fail. 
-That’s exactly right. And also imagine that every word you say is debated in the public. You know, media, every minute of the day. And also remember that your board directors as a fragmented group who really can not get together to fire executive team if they don't tow your line. 
-The American public. 
-That’s exactly right.
-That’s the environment in which the presidency of the United States is working today. And it's not as if the president is maintaining a successful country. The president is turning around a difficult situation. So all things considered, you’d say he’s doing a pretty good job.