万花筒 2011-06-09&06-11 1982年的艾滋病报道,当世界还未认识艾滋(在线收听

 Scientists at the National Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta today released results of a study which shows that the life style of some male homosexuals has triggered an epidemic of a rare form of cancer. Robert Bazell now in Atlanta. 

Boby Cambo of San Francisco and Billy Workurf of New York, both suffered from a scariest newly discovered disease which infects mostly homosexual men, but it's also been found in heterosexual men and women. The conditions severely weakens the body's ability to fight disease. Many victims get a rare form of cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma, others get infection on these pneumolysis pneumonia. Researchers know 413 people who have contracted the condition in the past year. One third have died and none have been cured. 
--Death didn't scare me, it was living with this for a long time, that's more frightening than death. 
Investigators examined the habits of homosexuals for clues.
--That I wasn't in fast lane in one time in terms of the way I look my life and now I'm not. 
The best guess is that some infectious agent is causing it. 
Today researchers here at the National Center for Disease Control said they've found several cases with people who have been sex partners both had the condition. The scientists say this probably means they're dealing with some new deadly sexually transmitted disease. 
The investigators see this is a serious public health problem. 
--From epidemic point of view, there have been more death from Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumosistic pneumonia than have occurred with all the cases of attacks and shocks syndrome and the Philadelphia outbreak of Legionnaire's disease combined. 
Researchers are now studying blood and other samples from victims, trying to learn what's causing the disease. So far, they've had no luck. 
Robert Bazell. NBC's News Atlanta.