万花筒 2011-07-18&07-20 拉登曾计划击落奥巴马座驾“空军一号”(在线收听

 While hiding out in this Pakistani compound, Osama Bin Laden was hatching up a new nightmare scenario. Bin Laden didn't want to just strike the United States on the 10th anniversary of the 911 attacks, he also wanted to kill the president. 

A U.S. official confirmed document seized at the compound, shows Bin Laden was hoping to shoot down Air Force One while President Obama was travelling overseas. However, the official is adamant there was no specific assassination plot uncovered. Bin Laden was essentially brainstorming ideas. But Defence Secretary Leon Panetta, who commanded the Bin Laden raid while heading the CIA, warns Bin Laden was capable of more than just brainstorming in the years he hid out. 
For a long time, the sense was that he was an inspirational leader. But he wasn't the guy who was managing operations. And what we found out when we went into that compound is that,in fact, he was someone that was operating on an operational basis. 
General David Petraeus, the outgoing U.S. commander in Afghanistan, was also mentioned in the Bin Laden documents as a potential target to be shot down while he travelled in the war zone. A spokesman for Petraeus declined to comment. The focus now for Panetta is to keep attacking al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.
Now is the moment following what happened with Bin Laden to put maximum pressure on them. Because I do believe that if we continue this effort, that we can really cripple al Qaeda as a threat to this country. 
The US has long said it believes al Qaeda remains very interested in high-profile attacks and would like nothing better than to bring down the US aircraft.
Apparently, Osama Bin Laden was even talking about assembling a team of operatives. But of course, those Navy Seals killed him in the compound before he could carry his plans any further--Wolf.
And he--as you point out, he was targeting General Petraeus as well. General Petraeus, I take it, is getting ready to leave Afghanistan. He's going to be heading over the CIA. 
In very soon. In fact, the change of command ceremony that will turn everything over in Afghanistan to Marine Corps General John Allen will take place Monday morning in Kabul. Petraeus will get on a plane, come back to the United States, retire from years of service in the active duty army and in fact, in the coming weeks, Wolf, do exactly that,take over at the CIA, which Defence Secretary Panetta just left to come over to the Pentagon.