万花筒 2011-09-03&09-05 鳄鱼入侵公共泳池(在线收听

 Here is what's going on as we look to Australia. 

Yes, that' what I call a croc. Wow!
Yeah, fresh water crocodile, found in a public, public pool in Darwin, in Australia's Northern Territory. You don’t likeˇ You have your own words about croc, Lisa? 
The snout is different. 
Very good, the snout is skinnier, thinner, you know, smaller than adult alligator. An early morning swimmer, right there, at the Parap pool in Darwin, notified lifeguards about the 16-inch reptile lying in the shadow in the people's swim. The croc was moved by lifeguard. No one injured. 
He looks so much bigger there. 
The way they jaw that, it looks like, it was like, you know, an 8-footer. 
Oh, yeah, the way it shock, it looks like, it could, you know, eat a family of four. 
It take a pinky toe off. 
But what I saw him...
It's like a little ...
Oh, please.
As a dangerous croc one demon.