AP 2012-03-11(在线收听

 1. It was a bruising Super Tuesday but Mitt Romney's campaign is arguing he will be the only candidate left standing come this summer. Wins in six states increase Romney's lead in the race for convention delegates.

2. The Red Cross says most residents have fled a shattered neighborhood near Homs, Syria. The government has sealed off most of the area since it was recaptured from rebel forces following a deadly assault.
3. The largest solar flare in five years is racing toward Earth. And its charged particles could disrupt power grids and flights. The storm should start hitting Earth around seven in the morning Eastern Time on Thursday. 
4. The Indianapolis Colts release Peyton Manning after a 14-year run that included one Super Bowl victory and four MVP awards. The 35-year-old Manning becomes a free agent with interest from other teams.