澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-04-24(在线收听

 John Howard's former chief of staff Tony Nutt says he didn't follow up sexual harassment against Peter Slipper in 2003, because he was told the relationship was consensual. Mr. Slipper is facing froid and sexual harass allegations and he of course has stood down as speaker. 

Police have arrested two men in relation to a drive-by shooting in Sydney's west yesterday. Several shots were fired in the block of flats Maryland's. Police say one of the men is associated with D. Andrews and the other also has firekillings. Both men have been charged with fireout expenses. 
Firefighters have contained the large fire with a tyre factory at Dural in Sydney's northwest. Some residents had to be evacuated and the blaze threatened the nearby service station. Police revising more ...avoid the area. The cause of the blae is being investigated. 
Talks continue this morning over the fate of the Melbourne Karlpart's maker, the threatening standards on its forward. CMS has closed because it's built over rate, and they refused the company could now go into administration. Hundreds of workers fought to the Victorian factories, could not be temporarily stood down later in the week, if that dispute is not resolved. 
And the man who killed 77 people in Norway last year has apologized to some of the victims of the bomb attack in Oslo. Anders Berring Brevy says he is sorry for those who were just passing by when the bomb exploded. 